Which Civilization Leader Are You?


Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/22/2024



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Discover which iconic leader from the Civilization series aligns with your gaming style and strategic preferences. Answer the following questions to reveal your inner ruler!

Discover which iconic leader from the Civilization series aligns with your gaming style and strategic preferences. Answer the following questions to reveal your inner ruler!

1. What is your preferred victory condition in Civilization?


2. How do you manage military units in the game?

Aggressively expand and conquer
Use units strategically for key objectives
Build strong defenses
Minimally focus on military, concentrate on other aspects

3. What is your preferred approach to technology research?

Advance civic and cultural technologies
Focus on economic and trade technologies
Well-rounded, balanced research
Rush military technologies

4. How do you prefer to handle diplomacy in the game?

Be cunning and utilize espionage
Dominate through superior power
Form strong alliances and trade relations
Ignore diplomacy, prioritize my own development

5. What role does religion play in your strategy?

Not used at all
Limited use, focus on other areas
Central to my strategy, spreads influence
Used tactically for specific advantages

6. How do you prioritize city development?

Balanced approach to city development
Plan for rapid population growth
Focus on production and infrastructure
Specialize in coastal and naval cities

7. What is your trade strategy?

Build extensive trade routes with multiple partners
Focus on internal development and self-reliance
Attack trade routes to weaken other civilizations
Use trade as a secondary means to other goals

8. How do you handle resource scarcity?

Efficiently manage and plan around scarcity
Conquer to find resources
Adapt by researching alternatives
Trade and form alliances to secure resources

9. What's your approach to handling enemy threats?

Form alliances to deter attacks
Use espionage to gather intelligence and sabotage
Preemptively attack them to neutralize the threat
Build strong defensive units and fortifications

10. What is your strategy for expanding your empire?

Balance between expansion and development
Expand along specific terrain, like coasts or rivers
Aggressively take over neighboring cities
Expand methodically with well-planned cities

11. How do you utilize great people in your empire?

Focus on great merchants and artists for economic and cultural benefits
Use great scientists and engineers for research and buildings
Balanced approach, using all types for different goals
Generate great generals for military advantages

12. What is your approach to dealing with environmental challenges?

Innovate new solutions to adapt to challenges
Indifferent, focus on other priorities
Proactively prevent and mitigate disasters
Reactively rebuild and recover after disasters strike