Which Total War Leader Are You?


Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/24/2024



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Are you a strategic genius or a battle-hardened warrior? Take this quiz to find out which legendary leader from the Total War series you most resemble!

Are you a strategic genius or a battle-hardened warrior? Take this quiz to find out which legendary leader from the Total War series you most resemble!

1. How do you typically prefer to achieve victory in battle?

Strategic ambushes and traps.
Relentless raids and encirclements.
Surprise attacks and guerrilla tactics.
Swift and decisive front-line assaults.

2. What unit type do you rely on the most?

Elite cavalry and rapid assault units.
Versatile and adaptable infantry units.
Mounted archers and mobile skirmishers.
Heavy infantry with strong defense.

3. How would you describe your leadership style?

Relentless and aggressive, favoring intimidation.
Visionary with keen political maneuvering.
Resilient and calculated, focused on long-term plans.
Bold and fearless in the face of adversity.

4. When faced with an enemy stronghold, what is your preferred tactic?

Employing deception to lure the enemy out.
Opting for surprise night raids to catch the enemy off guard.
Constructing elaborate siege works to wear down the enemy.
Using rapid, overwhelming force to break through defenses.

5. Which environment do you find favorable for battles?

Dense forests for ambushes and surprise attacks.
Open plains for large-scale cavalry maneuvers.
Hilly or mountainous regions for defensive tactics.
Urban environments for tactical advantages.

6. How important is diplomacy in your strategy?

Only when necessary, I prefer direct confrontation.
Crucial for gaining allies and weakening enemies.
A useful tool but not a primary focus.
Diplomacy is irrelevant, strength is all that matters.

7. Which quality do you value most in your troops?

Fierce bravery and aggression.
Adaptability and versatility.
Speed and mobility.
Discipline and endurance.

8. How do you handle resource management and logistics?

Flexible and adaptive to changing conditions.
Resourceful and exploiting opportunities.
Meticulously planned and well-organized.
Minimal planning, rely on capturing enemy supplies.

9. What is your approach to enemy morale?

Break their spirits with relentless attacks.
Undermine their confidence through strategic strikes.
Maintain high morale within my own troops above all.
Sow fear and confusion with surprise maneuvers.

10. How do you react to unexpected battlefield scenarios?

Using surprise and unconventional tactics.
Quickly adapting my strategy to the new situation.
Relying on the strength and discipline of my units.
Maintaining a relentless pressure on the enemy.

11. How do you view the role of fortifications and defensive positions?

Useful for baiting and weakening the enemy.
A secondary consideration compared to offensive capabilities.
Essential for securing territory and controlling key areas.
Primarily a hindrance to my rapid conquest strategies.

12. How do you inspire and motivate your troops?

Ensuring they see their victories and spoils of war.
With grand speeches and clear strategic vision.
By leading from the front and demonstrating courage.
Maintaining strict discipline and professionalism.

13. What is your approach towards conquered territories?

Focus more on military control than integration.
Integrate them smoothly with my existing empire.
Exploit them for resources and military advantages.
Instill fear and suppress any resistance.