Which Age of Empires IV Civilization Matches Your Play Style?


Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 8/1/2024



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Are you a master strategist in real-time strategy games? In Age of Empires IV, choosing the right civilization can be the key to victory. This quiz will help you discover which AoE IV civilization best fits your unique play style by delving into your gameplay preferences, strategic choices, and favored historical periods.

Are you a master strategist in real-time strategy games? In Age of Empires IV, choosing the right civilization can be the key to victory. This quiz will help you discover which AoE IV civilization best fits your unique play style by delving into your gameplay preferences, strategic choices, and favored historical periods.

1. Do you prefer fast-paced gameplay or a more methodical approach?

Fast-paced gameplay.
I am flexible and adapt to the game's flow.
Methodical approach.
A mix of both, depending on the situation.

2. What is your favorite historical period?

Ancient civilizations.
Middle Ages.
Early Modern Period.

3. How do you like to handle resource management?

Gradual and steady accumulation.
Balanced resource management.
Focus on a specific resource for quick gains.
Adapt based on immediate needs.

4. Do you enjoy focusing on military conquest or economy building?

A balance of both.
Adapting based on the game scenario.
Economy building.
Military conquest.

5. Which type of unit do you prefer to use in battle?

Unique units or powerful elite troops.
Siege weapons.

6. How do you approach technological upgrades?

Upgrades come secondary to building an army.
Continuous and steady upgrades.
Focus on critical, game-changing advancements.
Balanced approach with simultaneous focus on upgrades and expansion.

7. What is your favorite type of map or terrain to play on?

Open fields.
Water-based or coastal maps.
Mountainous terrains.
Forested areas.

8. Do you prefer defensive or offensive strategies?

I adapt my strategies based on the game's progress.
A mix of both, depending on the situation.
Offensive strategies.
Defensive strategies.

9. How important is naval warfare to your strategy?

I rarely prioritize naval warfare.
Not very important.
Important but secondary.

10. What kind of special abilities or unique units do you value?

Advanced technology and versatility.
Specialized economy and adaptive strategies.
Strong infantry and siege weapons.
Powerful cavalry units.

11. How do you deal with enemy fortifications?

Strategic placement and adaptability.
Economic and technological advantage to outlast.
Overwhelming force and rapid assaults.
Using siege weapons to break through.

12. What is your preferred way to win a match?

Technological superiority and advanced units.
Adapting to the ongoing state of the game.
Military dominance and overwhelming force.
Out-economize my opponent and win over time.