Which Civilization VI Leader are You?


Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/30/2024



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Are you a shrewd strategist like Cleopatra or a visionary leader like Eleanor of Aquitaine? Take our quiz to find out which Civilization VI leader best matches your personality and leadership style!

Are you a shrewd strategist like Cleopatra or a visionary leader like Eleanor of Aquitaine? Take our quiz to find out which Civilization VI leader best matches your personality and leadership style!

1. When facing a neighboring civilization, how do you prefer to handle potential conflicts?

Launch a preemptive strike to weaken them before they become a significant threat.
Strengthen your military and prepare for potential conflicts, but only attack if provoked.
Focus on economic and cultural growth, using trade and diplomacy to keep relations peaceful.
Form strategic alliances and gather intelligence to stay ahead of potential threats.

2. What is your primary focus when developing your civilization?

Building a strong and capable military to defend and expand your empire.
Cultural and scientific advancements to foster a vibrant and advanced society.
Economic growth and trade routes to amass wealth and resources.
Diplomatic and political strategies to create alliances and outmaneuver rivals.

3. How do you handle internal city management and development?

Prioritize military production to maintain a strong defense and readiness for expansion.
Focus on building infrastructure and economic improvements to ensure steady growth.
Encourage cultural and artistic endeavors to boost morale and attract great people.
Develop a balanced approach with a focus on diplomatic relations and espionage.

4. What role does religion play in your civilization?

Use religion as one of many tools to enhance your cultural influence and stability.
Establish a dominant religion to unify your people and influence other civilizations.
Focus on scientific and cultural advancements, with minimal emphasis on religion.
Incorporate religious strategies to complement your diplomatic or military goals.

5. How do you prefer to achieve victory in Civilization VI?

A diplomatic victory through forming alliances and outmaneuvering opponents.
A scientific victory by advancing through the tech tree and launching into space.
A cultural victory by dominating the arts and attracting great people.
A domination victory by conquering your rivals through military strength.

6. When it comes to espionage, how do you utilize spies?

Focus on building and advancing your own cities, using spies minimally.
Use spies to gather intelligence and counter enemy espionage.
Send spies to disrupt enemy cities and weaken their infrastructure.
Occasionally use spies for strategic advantages, but not as a primary focus.

7. How do you deal with rival civilizations seeking trade agreements?

Avoid extensive trade and focus on self-sufficiency and military strength.
Form beneficial trade agreements and use them to solidify alliances.
Prioritize internal development and be selective about trading with others.
Use trade agreements strategically to weaken rivals over time.

8. How do you approach city expansion and founding new cities?

Carefully plan each new city to ensure strategic benefits and sustainability.
Focus on strengthening existing cities before establishing new ones.
Rapidly expand with multiple cities to exploit maximum resources.
Expand through conquests, turning conquered cities into valuable assets.

9. How do you handle scientific research and technological advancements?

Place less emphasis on science, concentrating more on military or economic strategies.
Prioritize scientific research to stay ahead of rivals in technology.
Focus on practical technologies that provide immediate benefits to your civilization.
Balance science with other areas to create a well-rounded civilization.

10. How do you engage with other leaders during diplomatic negotiations?

Use charm and strategic offers to gain favor and build alliances.
Remain neutral, focusing mainly on your own civilization's growth and stability.
Offer practical and mutually beneficial deals to establish trustworthy relations.
Play a balancing act, forming temporary alliances and deceiving as needed.

11. What is your approach to military production and unit development?

Maintain a strong defense and be ready for sudden conflicts.
Invest heavily in creating a powerful and aggressive military.
Use military primarily for defense, while focusing on other growth areas.
Focus on balanced growth, ensuring adequate forces without excessive expenditure.

12. How do you manage your civilization's economy and resource allocation?

Allocate resources to maintain a strong military presence.
Ensure a robust and diverse economy with multiple sources of income.
Focus on maximizing resource extraction and trade for economic growth.
Balance resources between cultural, scientific, and military needs.

13. How do you prioritize the development of your civilization's infrastructure?

Build strategic and military structures to prepare for conflicts.
Develop cultural and educational buildings to foster a rich society.
Upgrade and expand all areas evenly, ensuring a balanced development.
Invest in economic and commercial infrastructure to boost trade and growth.