Which Crusader Kings Character Are You?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/19/2024



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Find out which Crusader Kings character you embody by answering these questions about your strategic choices, governance style, and personality traits!

Find out which Crusader Kings character you embody by answering these questions about your strategic choices, governance style, and personality traits!

1. How would you primarily ensure the stability and growth of your realm?

Investing in education and cultural flourishing.
Strict control and unflinching enforcement of laws.
Expanding through military conquests.
Forming alliances and focusing on diplomacy.

2. How do you deal with internal dissent or rebellion?

Negotiate and offer incentives for loyalty.
Implement strict laws and surveillance.
Crush it with brute force.
Use cunning and subtle manipulations.

3. When facing an external threat, how do you respond?

Employ strategic retreats and fortifications.
Form alliances and seek diplomatic solutions.
Respond with full military might.
Use espionage and sabotage to weaken the enemy.

4. What are your priorities when it comes to economic policies?

Taxation and accumulation of wealth.
Ensuring fair wages and social policies.
Reinvestment into society and infrastructure.
Increasing trade and economic alliances.

5. How do you handle justice and law enforcement?

Prioritizing diplomacy and conflict resolution.
Using covert operations to enforce laws discreetly.
Fair trials and rehabilitative justice.
Enforcing harsh penalties and strict laws.

6. How do you view alliances and marriages?

Forming powerful alliances through marriage.
Using marriages for political leverage and influence.
Marrying for love and personal connections.
Avoiding political marriages and forming strategic alliances instead.

7. Which personal trait do you value most in yourself?

Cunning and strategic thinking.
Ambition and determination.
Bravery and martial prowess.
Wisdom and justice.

8. How do you motivate your subjects or troops?

Offering rewards and incentives.
Leading by example through bravery and action.
Inspiring them with speeches and charisma.
Using fear and strict discipline.

9. Which quality do you think is most important in a ruler?

Cunning and political acumen.
Strength and decisiveness.
Wisdom and foresight.
Justice and fairness.

10. How would you describe your approach to foreign cultures and religions?

Employing pragmatic tolerance for strategic advantage.
Maintaining strict adherence to your own culture and religion.
Promoting peaceful coexistence and dialogue.
Embracing and integrating diverse cultures.

11. What is your stance on succession and heirs?

Choosing heirs based on merit and ability.
Maintaining dynastic purity and traditional succession.
Ensuring the strongest heir inherits the throne.
Strengthening alliances through strategic marriage of heirs.

12. How do you approach territorial expansion?

Gradual and strategic annexation through diplomacy.
Using both diplomacy and military might as needed.
Massive expansion through conquest and war.
Securing key territories for strategic advantages.

13. How do you ensure loyalty among your vassals and subjects?

Ensuring fair treatment and justice.
Instilling fear through strict laws and penalties.
Building personal relationships and trust.
Rewarding loyalty with gifts and honors.