Which Gilmore Girls Character Are You?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/22/2024



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Are you more like Lorelai, Rory, or another beloved character from Stars Hollow? Answer these questions to find out!

Are you more like Lorelai, Rory, or another beloved character from Stars Hollow? Answer these questions to find out!

1. How do you typically spend a Friday night?

Exploring new exciting activities or attending events.
Catching up on some reading or watching movies at home.
Jamming with my band or at a live music venue.
Hosting a dinner party with close friends and family.

2. What best describes your approach to your career?

I’m pursuing my passion even if it isn’t the highest paying job.
I’m more focused on maintaining a work-life balance.
I’m all about climbing the corporate ladder and making strategic moves.
I work hard and ensure that I’m reliable and indispensable.

3. How do you handle conflicts in interpersonal relationships?

I depend on my charm and wit to diffuse tension.
I avoid confrontation and prefer to keep things peaceful.
I try to find a middle ground and compromise.
I address issues head-on and communicate directly.

4. Which activity would you most enjoy in your free time?

Exploring the outdoors or traveling.
Cooking or baking something new.
Working on a DIY project or fixing something.
Reading books or writing.

5. What’s your ideal romantic relationship?

A relationship built on mutual interests and shared dreams.
A passionate romance that keeps things exciting.
A stable and supportive partnership.
Something spontaneous and carefree.

6. How do you typically handle stress?

I take some time alone to think things through.
I confide in close friends or family.
I engage in a physical activity like working out or going for a walk.
I immerse myself in my work or hobbies.

7. How would your friends describe you?

Charming and sociable.
Reliable and hardworking.
Smart and determined.
Creative and passionate.

8. Which of the following best describes your fashion style?

Elegant and sophisticated.
Practical and understated.
Casual and comfortable.
Trendy and fashionable.

9. How do you typically plan your day?

I have a general idea but keep it flexible.
I follow a routine but allow for some spontaneity.
I plan everything in detail the night before.
I live in the moment and go with the flow.

10. What kind of music do you prefer?

Oldies or classic hits.
Classical or jazz.
Rock or indie.
Pop or current hits.

11. Which holiday activity would you enjoy most?

Hosting a festive party with all the trimmings.
Volunteering or helping others in the community.
Traveling to an exciting new destination.
A quiet getaway in a cozy cabin.

12. What type of TV shows do you enjoy most?

Documentaries or educational shows.
Comedies or sitcoms.
Reality TV or competitions.
Dramas or mysteries.

13. How important is tradition to you?

Very important, I like to uphold traditions.
Not very important, I prefer to create my own path.
Somewhat important, I pick and choose which traditions to follow.
I believe in respecting traditions but also modernizing them.