Which Gilmore Girls Character Are You?

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Created 6/25/2024



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Find out which Gilmore Girls character you resemble the most with this fun quiz!

Find out which Gilmore Girls character you resemble the most with this fun quiz!

1. How do you usually start your day?

With a huge cup of coffee and a chat
By diving into a good book
Going over plans and schedules meticulously
Spontaneously and without any set plan

2. Which place in Stars Hollow would you spend most of your time?

Luke's Diner
Stars Hollow High School
Dragonfly Inn
The Independence Inn

3. How would your friends describe you?

Independent and resilient
Loyal and studious
Stubborn but caring
Quirky and supportive

4. What’s your favorite hobby?

Running a business
Participating in town events

5. What’s your go-to comfort food?

Burgers and fries
Fancy dinners
Homemade cookies
Asian cuisine

6. How do you deal with a stressful situation?

Crack jokes or use sarcasm
Dive into work or studies
Plan meticulously to resolve it
Talk it out with friends

7. What’s your relationship with your family like?

Complicated but loving
Supportive and warm
Structured and traditional
Rebellious yet close

8. What kind of friend are you?

The quirky and dependable one
The practical advisor
The fun-loving and spontaneous one
The deeply caring and thoughtful one

9. Which of these would be your dream job?

Running an inn
Journalist or writer
Chef or caterer
Entrepreneur or business owner

10. What’s your fashion style?

Casual and comfortable
Classic and elegant
Chic and trendy
Functional and simple

11. How do you handle conflicts?

Talk it out immediately
Avoid it unless necessary
Plan a rational discussion
React emotionally first, then cool off

12. What’s your ideal way to spend a weekend?

Exploring new places
Reading a book or studying
Hosting friends and family
Working on a craft or hobby

13. What’s most important to you?

Personal freedom
Academic achievements
Family and tradition
Friends and community

14. Which of these describes your ideal partner?

Supportive and understanding
Adventurous and spontaneous
Steady and reliable
Intelligent and ambitious

15. What’s your biggest flaw?

Being too independent
Overworking yourself
Being too controlling
Overreacting or panicking