Which 'Gossip Girl' Character Are You?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 8/5/2024



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Ever wondered which 'Gossip Girl' character matches your lifestyle and personality? Take our quiz to find out if you're more of a Serena or a Blair!

Ever wondered which 'Gossip Girl' character matches your lifestyle and personality? Take our quiz to find out if you're more of a Serena or a Blair!

1. How do you usually spend your weekends?

Volunteering or working on a creative project.
Spending time with family and catching up on hobbies.
Hanging out with a small, close-knit group of friends.
Attending glamorous events and parties.

2. How would you describe your style?

Edgy and unique.
Classic and sophisticated.
Comfortable and casual.
Fashion-forward and always on trend.

3. What's your stance on loyalty?

Loyalty is important, but sometimes you have to put yourself first.
Loyalty to friends and family is everything.
Loyalty is subjective; it depends on the situation.
Loyalty can be flexible as long as you remain true to yourself.

4. Which drama moment from Gossip Girl do you relate to the most?

Chuck's redemption arc and personal growth.
Dan feeling like an outsider in a world of privilege.
Blair's constant struggle for power and acceptance.
Serena returning to the Upper East Side with a mysterious past.

5. How do you handle conflicts?

Use charm and persuasion to navigate the issue.
Confront and address the problem directly.
Analyze the situation and plan a strategic response.
Avoid conflict and try to find a peaceful resolution.

6. What's your attitude towards love and relationships?

True love requires time and understanding.
Love is complicated and often painful.
Love should be on your terms.
Love is a thrilling adventure.

7. How do you approach your career or ambitions?

I follow my passions and let my career evolve naturally.
I am fiercely ambitious and will do anything to succeed.
My career is not my main focus; life experiences are.
I believe in working hard but maintaining balance.

8. What's your ideal vacation destination?

A hiking and camping adventure.
A luxurious resort in the Maldives.
A cultural trip to Europe.
Visiting family or friends in another city.

9. How do you feel about gossip?

Gossip is a tool to understand people.
I use gossip strategically to my advantage.
Gossip is dangerous and should be avoided.
Gossip can be fun but should be taken lightly.

10. What type of social events do you prefer?

Art and indie events.
Cute brunches or small gatherings.
Family dinners and local community events.
High-profile galas and parties.

11. Which of these quotes resonates with you most?

“Sometimes you need to step outside, get some air, and remind yourself of who you are and who you want to be.”
“You can't be worse than the fear you have of yourself.”
“We make our own fairytales.”
“I'm not a stop along the way, I'm a destination.”

12. How do you view your friendships?

Friendships are a top priority and I cherish them.
Friendships evolve and change over time.
Friendships are important, but independence is key.
Friendships are strategic alliances.

13. What do you think about moving to a new city?

I'd prefer to stay close to my roots.
Movements are delightful for new opportunities.
Challenging but a necessary part of growth.
Exciting and a chance for reinvention.

14. Which best describes your attitude towards success?

Success is intertwined with the success of my loved ones.
Success is defined by personal satisfaction and happiness.
Success comes from overcoming personal challenges.
Success is about achieving goals and gaining recognition.