Which ADC Champion Matches Your Playstyle?


Created 6/28/2024



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Discover which ADC champion matches your playstyle with this fun quiz. Find out if you prefer long-range sniping, aggressive burst damage, or strategic positioning.

Discover which ADC champion matches your playstyle with this fun quiz. Find out if you prefer long-range sniping, aggressive burst damage, or strategic positioning.

1. Which feature do you prioritize in an ADC?

High mobility
Strong crowd control
Burst damage
Sustain and poke

2. How do you prefer to play in the laning phase?

Aggressively pushing
Playing safe and farming
Looking for kill opportunities
Zoning and poking

3. What's your preferred playstyle in team fights?

Positioning well and dealing consistent damage
Diving into the enemy backline
Providing utility and control
Staying back and using long-range abilities

4. How comfortable are you with complex mechanics?

Very comfortable
Somewhat comfortable
Not really comfortable
Depends on the champion

5. How do you handle being targeted in fights?

Evade using high mobility
Rely on crowd control abilities
Burst down threats quickly
Position safely and keep a distance

6. What do you consider your biggest strength?

Mechanics and dueling
Strategic positioning
Team fight presence
Objective control

7. Which trait is most important for an ADC's success?

Scaling potential
Early game pressure
Utility and versatility
Consistent DPS

8. How do you prefer to execute your ultimate ability?

As a game-changing crowd control tool
To finish off low-health targets
To burst down a priority target
To reposition or escape

9. What is your ideal scenario for mid to late game?

Being a hypercarry who can 1v9
Providing utility while dealing damage
Roaming and making picks
Staying back and dealing damage from afar

10. How do you approach farming during the game?

Aggressively pushing for turret pressure
Freeze the lane and deny farm
Mix of farming and poking the enemy
Roam and farm jungle when safe