Which League of Legends ADC Champ Are You Based on Your Playstyle?

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Created 7/2/2024



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Ever wondered which ADC champ matches your unique playstyle in League of Legends? Take this quiz to find out whether you’re a precision Sniper or a relentless Duelist!

Ever wondered which ADC champ matches your unique playstyle in League of Legends? Take this quiz to find out whether you’re a precision Sniper or a relentless Duelist!

1. How do you approach team fights?

I dive in and try to burst down key targets.
I prefer to stay on the outskirts and deal damage from a safe distance.
I stick close to my support to maximize my survivability while dealing damage.
I look for opportunities to flank or ambush enemies.

2. What's your attitude towards taking risks in the game?

I'm very cautious and try to minimize risks.
I take calculated risks and aggressive plays often.
I adapt my risk level depending on the situation.
I like to play unpredictably, keeping the enemy on their toes.

3. How do you handle being targeted by the enemy team?

I rely on my mechanics and positioning to outplay them.
I depend on my team to protect me while I deal damage.
I reposition and look for safer opportunities to contribute.
I use my abilities to escape and then re-engage when it's safe.

4. Which type of ADC do you generally prefer?

High burst damage with abilities.
Consistent damage over time.
Utility and support for the team.
High mobility and outplay potential.

5. How important is mobility in your playstyle?

Very important. I need to be able to maneuver around fights easily.
Moderately important. I like having some mobility but it's not essential.
I don't need much mobility if I have strong positioning.
It doesn't matter as long as I can deal damage effectively.

6. What's your primary goal during the laning phase?

Securing farm and building a gold lead.
Harassing the enemy and looking for kill opportunities.
Playing safely and scaling into the late game.
Setting up my support for successful engages.

7. When your team is losing, how do you try to turn the game around?

I look for solo kill opportunities to bring us back.
I focus on farming and building up while avoiding fights.
I coordinate with my team for strategic objectives.
I look for creative plays and ambushes to catch the enemy off guard.

8. How do you react to a support who constantly roams?

I hold the lane and farm safely.
I play aggressively to pressure the enemy ADC.
I follow the support to assist in roam plays.
I adapt based on the situation and the enemy's movements.

9. What's your preferred method of playing against a lane bully?

I play defensively and focus on farming under tower.
I take calculated trades and try to out-sustain them.
I adapt my item build for early survivability.
I look for jungle assistance to turn the tide.

10. How do you prioritize your objectives in the game?

Focusing on securing kills.
Prioritizing turrets and lane control.
Securing dragons and other neutral objectives.
Assisting my team in whatever objectives they need.

11. How do you generally choose your champions?

Based on their ability to burst down enemies.
Based on consistent damage output.
Based on how well they synergize with the team.
Based on their ability to outplay and be versatile.

12. Which statement best describes your approach to the game?

I aim to be the main carry and focal point.
I play a supportive role to enable my team.
I'm flexible and adapt my playstyle as needed.
I seek to dominate and outplay through unique strategies.