Which Super Smash Brothers Character Are You?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 8/5/2024



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Are you determined like Mario or cunning like Fox? Discover which Super Smash Brothers character matches your personality and fighting style! Answer the questions to find out!

Are you determined like Mario or cunning like Fox? Discover which Super Smash Brothers character matches your personality and fighting style! Answer the questions to find out!

1. How do you prefer to approach your opponent in a fight?

Keeping my distance and using ranged attacks
Using special abilities and mind tricks
Charging in head-first with powerful blows
Outmaneuvering them with speed and agility

2. Which type of stage do you prefer?

Dynamic stages with multiple levels and hazards
Stages that transform throughout the match
Simple, flat stages with no distractions
Stages with a lot of verticality

3. Which weapon or item do you rely on the most?

Projectile weapons
Magical or psychic items
Sword or large melee weapon
No weapon, relying on my physical abilities

4. What is your favorite color?


5. What is your preferred strategy in battle?

Defensively reacting to opponent's moves
Supporting teammates and responding to needs
Using technical moves and combos
Staying on the offensive and keeping pressure on

6. How do you handle stressful situations?

Adapt and use the situation to my advantage
Face it head-on with courage
Stay calm and think through solutions
React reflexively and instinctively

7. What role do you prefer on a team?

The enforcer, handling the frontline and taking out threats
The leader, taking charge and making decisions
The strategist, planning and anticipating moves
The supporter, aiding teammates and boosting morale

8. How important is mobility for you?

Not at all, I'd rather focus on strong, decisive blows
Somewhat important, a balance between speed and power
Extremely important, I love speed and quick movements
Not very important, I prefer stability and control

9. Describe your personality in one word.


10. What type of special ability would you like to have?

Having powerful psychic or magical powers
Immensely strong physical abilities
Using advanced technology and gadgets
Copying and adapting abilities from my opponents

11. Choose your ideal battlefield.

An ancient, mystical arena
A chaotic, busy city
A futuristic, high-tech zone
A peaceful, natural landscape

12. When faced with multiple opponents, what's your strategy?

Focus on taking down one at a time with precise blows
Stay on the move, dodging and hitting from a distance
Use area-of-effect moves to damage multiple foes
Set traps and outsmart them

13. What kind of personality trait do you admire most in others?
