Which Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Character Are You?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/19/2024



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Are you a fierce brawler or a strategic master? Dive into this quiz to find out which Super Smash Bros. Ultimate character best matches your fighting style and personality!

Are you a fierce brawler or a strategic master? Dive into this quiz to find out which Super Smash Bros. Ultimate character best matches your fighting style and personality!

1. What is your preferred fighting style?

Close-range melee combat is my forte.
I prefer long-range, projectile-based attacks.
Versatility and adaptability are key.
A mix of both melee and ranged is ideal.

2. Which game strategy do you often use?

I am aggressive and always on the offensive.
I mix it up, switching between offense and defense.
I play defensively and wait for the right moment to strike.
I rely on trickery and unpredictability to outsmart my opponents.

3. Which traits best describe your personality?

I am cautious and prefer to plan my moves.
I thrive on speed and agility.
I am fearless and always ready for a challenge.
I am adaptable and versatile in different situations.

4. Which video game genre do you enjoy the most?

Action-packed shooters.
Fast-paced racing or fighting games.
Adventure and role-playing games.
Classic platformers.

5. What kind of opponent do you find most challenging?

Unpredictable and tricky opponents.
Those with heavy, powerful attacks.
Speedy and agile fighters.
Well-rounded characters.

6. How do you handle pressure in a close match?

I adapt quickly, adjusting my strategy to the situation.
I rely on speed and agility to dodge and counter.
I stay calm and focused, sticking to my strategy.
I become even more aggressive to push for victory.

7. What's your core strength in battle?

Quick movements and speed.
Raw power and strong attacks.
Versatility and adaptability.
Strategic and precise attacks.

8. How important is speed in your gameplay?

Extremely important, I need to be fast.
Moderately important, but not a primary focus.
Not very important; I rely more on power or strategy.
I need a balance of speed and power.

9. Which of these best describes your preferred role in a team?

Leader—guiding and making key decisions.
Striker—delivering the final blow.
Support—helping others and setting up plays.
Wildcard—being unpredictable and flexible.

10. What's your approach to handling multiple opponents?

I try to control the battlefield and manage multiple threats.
I use area attacks to hit as many as possible.
I look for opportunities to turn enemies against each other.
I focus on one opponent at a time.

11. What motivates you the most in a competition?

Improving my skills and learning.
Having fun and enjoying the game.
The thrill of victory and being the best.
Overcoming challenges and pushing my limits.

12. Which aspect of your gameplay do you pride yourself in?

My technical skill and precision.
My strategic planning and foresight.
My quick reflexes and reaction time.
My creativity and ability to improvise.