Which Super Smash Bros Ultimate Fighter Are You?


Created 6/26/2024



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Discover which Super Smash Bros Ultimate Fighter matches your personality. Take this quiz to find out if you're a fierce warrior like Link, a speedy fighter like Sonic, or a powerful brawler like Donkey Kong!

Discover which Super Smash Bros Ultimate Fighter matches your personality. Take this quiz to find out if you're a fierce warrior like Link, a speedy fighter like Sonic, or a powerful brawler like Donkey Kong!

1. How would you describe your general approach to a battle?

I like to switch between offense and defense
I rely on unique abilities or power-ups
I depend on precise, pinpoint attacks
I prefer keeping my distance and controlling the stage

2. In a high-pressure situation, what's your go-to strategy?

Adapt based on the situation
Utilize a charged or powered-up attack
Hit accurate, high-damage sweet spots
Draw the opponent into a trap from afar

3. How do you feel about complex combo inputs?

I prefer to keep things simple
I enjoy the challenge of complex inputs
I focus more on the spacing and timing of my hits
I find it difficult and prefer straightforward approaches

4. How would you describe your fighting technique?

A balanced mix of tactics
Dependence on unique power-ups or meters
Precision and accuracy
Defensive traps and zoning

5. What is your preferred way to finish off an opponent?

Mixing offensive and defensive moves
Using a powerful charged attack
Landing a perfect sweet spot hit
Slowly wearing them down with projectiles

6. How do you handle an aggressive opponent?

Switch between offense and defense quickly
Rely on unique abilities to turn the tide
Punish their mistakes with precise hits
Keep my distance and bait them

7. What's your main weakness in battle?

Not excelling in any specific area
Needing time to charge or prepare attacks
Struggling with non-precise attacks
Being at a disadvantage in close combat

8. What do you do when you have a big lead in the game?

Continue mixing offensive and defensive tactics
Keep charging or using special abilities
Maintain precision with each attack
Control the pace with traps and zones

9. Which of the following appeals the most to you during a fight?

Flexibility in tactics
Unique, powerful abilities
High precision and accuracy
Stage control and zoning

10. How do you prepare before engaging an opponent?

Plan a versatile approach
Charge or ready my special abilities
Focus on timing and precision
Set up traps and control the stage