Which Deftones Song Speaks to Your Soul?


Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 8/1/2024



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Deftones have been captivating listeners with their unique sound and emotionally charged lyrics for decades. Take this quiz to discover which Deftones song best matches your personality and life experiences, and learn why it resonates with you.

Deftones have been captivating listeners with their unique sound and emotionally charged lyrics for decades. Take this quiz to discover which Deftones song best matches your personality and life experiences, and learn why it resonates with you.

1. How would you describe your current mood?

Adventurous and restless
Nostalgic and reflective
Calm and serene
Angry and rebellious

2. Which significant life experience resonates most with you?

Overcoming personal struggles
Escaping mundane routines
Self-discovery and growth
Finding love and renewal

3. When facing personal struggles, how do you cope?

Immersing in love and renewal
Exploring new aspects of yourself
Channeling anger and defiance
Seeking solace in memories and reflection

4. What type of music do you generally prefer?

Melancholic and reflective
Lush and meditative
High-energy and aggressive
Dreamy and atmospheric

5. Which Deftones album do you resonate with the most?

Diamond Eyes
White Pony
Koi No Yokan

6. What pace and intensity do you prefer in music?

Moderate and balanced
Slow and ambient
Dynamic and varied
Fast and intense

7. What lyrical themes do you connect with the most?

Rebellion and defiance
Existential musings and reflection
Love and loss
Dreams and introspection

8. Where do you prefer to listen to music?

In a quiet, secluded space
While driving
At a concert
During a workout

9. How do you usually feel after a Deftones song?

Uplifted and hopeful
Empowered and ready to take on the world
Pensive and introspective
Calm and centered

10. Which musical elements are most important to you?

Atmospherics and ambiance
Complex and introspective lyrics
Melodic and emotional depth
Heavy riffs and aggression

11. What kind of journey do you seek through music?

A journey of self-discovery and personal growth
A blend of dreamy and intense experiences
An escape from reality
An exploration of dark themes and emotions