What Slipknot Song Matches Your Mood?


Created 7/1/2024



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Ever wondered which intense and thrilling Slipknot song matches your current mood? Take this quiz to find out and let the world know what track truly resonates with your inner self!

Ever wondered which intense and thrilling Slipknot song matches your current mood? Take this quiz to find out and let the world know what track truly resonates with your inner self!

1. Which Slipknot lyric resonates with your current mood?

"I push my fingers into my eyes, it's the only thing that slowly stops the ache."
"All hope is gone, and I'm still breathing."
"You can't see California without Marlon Brando's eyes."
"The pigs, we get what pigs deserve."

2. What's your favorite way to channel your rage?

Headbanging to metal
Screaming into a pillow
Writing dark poetry
Physical exercise

3. Which Slipknot album do you turn to when you're feeling intense emotions?

Slipknot (1999)
Vol. 3: (The Subliminal Verses)
All Hope Is Gone

4. What kind of monster do you feel like when you're at your lowest?

A wrathful demon
A sorrowful ghost
A chaotic trickster
A misunderstood beast

5. How do you usually deal with betrayal?

Confront the person head-on
Cut them out of your life
Brood and plot revenge
Write about it in a journal

6. Which Slipknot member's energy do you vibe with the most?

Corey Taylor
Sid Wilson
Joey Jordison
Shawn Crahan 'Clown'

7. Where do you find your solace?

In the chaos of a mosh pit
In the serenity of nature
Within the pages of a dark novel
In the studio creating music

8. What image describes your current mental state?

A storm raging over the ocean
A flickering candle in a dark room
A roaring bonfire at midnight
A lone wolf howling at the moon

9. How do you react to societal pressure?

Rebel violently and vocally
Withdraw and isolate
Express defiance artistically
Adapt to survive

10. When you think of your future, which Slipknot lyric comes to mind?

"I will remember before I forget."
"We fight 'til no one can fight us."
"The end is all I can see."
"If you're 555, then I'm 666."