What Song Should Be Your Personal Anthem?


Created 6/26/2024



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Find out what song perfectly matches your personality and should be your personal anthem with this fun quiz!

Find out what song perfectly matches your personality and should be your personal anthem with this fun quiz!

1. How do you usually start your day?

With a cup of coffee and some quiet time
With an energetic workout
By listening to music to pump myself up
Checking my phone for messages and notifications

2. How would you describe your current mood?

Happy and content
Motivated and ready to take on the world
A bit down, needing a pick-me-up
Stressed and overwhelmed

3. What's your go-to activity when you're feeling down?

Talking to a friend or family member
Going for a walk or run
Listening to uplifting music
Taking some time to myself to think and reflect

4. Which of these best describes your personal style?

Casual and comfortable
Bold and vibrant
Classic and timeless
Trendy and fashionable

5. How do you handle challenges or setbacks?

By staying optimistic and looking for solutions
By pushing through with determination and grit
By seeking support from others
By taking a step back to reevaluate and strategize

6. What kind of music do you prefer?

Pop and Top 40 hits
Rock and alternative
Hip-hop and rap
Indie and folk

7. Which quote resonates with you the most?

“The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” - Steve Jobs
“Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground.” - Theodore Roosevelt
“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson
“Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” - Theodore Roosevelt

8. What do you value most in a song?

Catchy and upbeat rhythm
Meaningful and relatable lyrics
Strong and powerful vocals
Innovative and unique sound

9. How would your best friend describe you?

Fun and outgoing
Ambitious and driven
Kind and empathetic
Creative and artistic

10. What do you need most in your life right now?

More joy and laughter
More motivation and drive
More peace and calm
More creativity and inspiration