Which Borderlands 3 Character Are You?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/22/2024



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Ever wondered which badass character from Borderlands 3 you relate to the most? Dive into this quiz and find out your in-game alter ego based on your gaming style, personality, and choices!

Ever wondered which badass character from Borderlands 3 you relate to the most? Dive into this quiz and find out your in-game alter ego based on your gaming style, personality, and choices!

1. How do you prefer to engage in combat?

I like to plan my moves, use gadgets, and create chaos before anyone notices.
Up close and personal, using brute strength and mystical powers.
From a safe distance, using precise shots and strategic targeting.
With overwhelming firepower, using heavy weaponry and mechanized assistance.

2. What describes your ideal weapon loadout?

Sniper rifles and weapons with high precision.
Large melee weapons and elemental fists.
Heavy guns and explosive devices.
High-tech gadgets and pistols with unique abilities.

3. What's your approach to teamwork?

I prefer to support and protect my teammates at the frontline.
I like being the strategist, directing the team and assisting with tech.
I work best alone but can coordinate when necessary.
I like to make everyone laugh and keep the team's morale high.

4. How do you handle difficult situations?

I stay calm and think my way through it.
I smash through any obstacles in my way.
I try to find the humor in the situation and keep going.
I adapt and overcome using my surroundings to my advantage.

5. What's your preferred environment in combat?

Close quarters where I can directly confront my enemies.
Open fields where my sniping skills can shine.
Urban environments where I can use the terrain to my advantage.
Anywhere my mech can provide cover and firepower.

6. What motivates you the most in a mission?

Connecting with nature and my animal companions.
The need to protect and support my allies.
The challenge and thrill of outsmarting my enemies.
The thrill of using advanced weaponry and technology.

7. How do you deal with failure?

I reflect on it, learn from it, and quietly move on.
I don't let it get to me and charge forward again.
I crack a joke, find the silver lining, and keep going.
I analyze what went wrong and prepare better for next time.

8. Which quality do you value most in a leader?

Leading from the front, showing bravery.
Strategic thinking and planning.
Bringing enthusiasm and keeping morale high.
Wisdom and empathy towards their team.

9. If you had a secret weapon, what would it be?

A high-precision rifle with unique capabilities.
A drone with powerful ranged attacks.
A heavily armored mech for both attack and defense.
Mystical powers that enhance my combat abilities.

10. What's your preferred way to traverse the battlefield?

Providing covering fire from a stationary position.
Using gadgets to move strategically.
Utilizing stealth and speed to remain unseen.
Charging directly at enemies with power.

11. How do you view your enemies?

They are obstacles to smash through.
They are opportunities to outsmart and outlast.
They are puzzles to solve and overcome.
They are prey to be hunted.

12. How do you prefer to unleash your ultimate abilities?

Disabling enemies and controlling the fight.
Going berserk with enhanced combat abilities.
Summoning powerful spirits or beasts.
Deploying massive firepower from a mech.

13. What's your role in your ideal battle scenario?

The frontline brawler.
The mastermind and strategist.
The tech-savvy engineer.
The distant support, picking off enemies.