Which Dark Souls 3 Character Are You?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/18/2024



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Dive into the treacherous world of Dark Souls 3 and discover which character you embody. Whether you're a fierce warrior, a cunning sorcerer, or a steadfast knight, this quiz will unveil your true Dark Souls identity!

Dive into the treacherous world of Dark Souls 3 and discover which character you embody. Whether you're a fierce warrior, a cunning sorcerer, or a steadfast knight, this quiz will unveil your true Dark Souls identity!

1. How do you prefer to approach combat?

With a focus on solid defense and counter-attacks.
Using a combination of sorcery and swordsmanship.
With unrelenting aggression and swift strikes.
Using powerful sorceries to overwhelm my enemies from a distance.

2. What is your preferred weapon type?

A balanced weapon for versatile combat.
A staff to cast powerful spells.
A swift sword to strike quickly and efficiently.
A large weapon for heavy, impactful blows.

3. How do you react to overwhelming challenges?

I use strategy and cunning to outmaneuver my adversaries.
I endure patiently, waiting for the right moment to strike.
I adapt and use all tools at my disposal, including sorcery.
I charge headfirst and never back down.

4. Which personality trait best describes you?

Loyal and faithful.
Brave and fearless.
Cunning and strategic.
Wise and knowledgeable.

5. In a hypothetical situation where you have to choose between saving a friend or defeating a powerful enemy, what would you do?

I would save my friend, loyalty first.
I would defeat the powerful enemy to eliminate a threat.
I would try to find a way to do both.
I would save my friend and retreat for now.

6. How do you view your role in a team?

I work best alone, ensuring independent success.
I am the strategist, planning our every move.
I am the leader and drive the team forward.
I am a supporter, providing critical assistance.

7. How do you typically handle setbacks?

I use my knowledge to find another approach.
I take a step back, retreat to plan my next move.
I analyze the situation and adapt my strategy.
I push through and keep fighting.

8. When faced with a particularly formidable enemy, how do you prepare for the confrontation?

I study the enemy’s moves and weaknesses.
I ensure my weapon and armor are in top condition.
I rely on my spells and magical prowess.
I rally my allies and plan a coordinated attack.

9. How do you motivate yourself in the face of despair?

The determination to overcome every challenge.
The wisdom gained from past experiences.
The loyalty to my friends and allies.
The pursuit of ultimate power and knowledge.

10. What drives you to keep fighting in the world of Dark Souls?

The need to survive and keep moving forward.
The ambition to become the most powerful being.
The loyalty to protect my realm and its people.
The drive to uncover lost wisdom and secrets.

11. How do you react when encountering a powerful ally?

I remain wary and prefer to act alone.
I gather their knowledge and learn from them.
I seek to ally and combine our strengths.
I assess if the ally can be trusted.

12. What kind of leader are you in a crisis?

I inspire others with my loyalty and resolve.
I strategize and delegate wisely.
I take charge and lead with confidence.
I remain composed and adapt to the situation.

13. What is your ultimate goal in your journey?

To uncover lost wisdom and secrets.
To protect my realm and its people.
To survive and keep moving forward.
To become the most powerful being.