Which Baldur's Gate 3 Character Are You?



Created 6/24/2024



Q & A

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Find out which character from Baldur's Gate 3 you are most like by answering these 10 questions!

Find out which character from Baldur's Gate 3 you are most like by answering these 10 questions!

1. What is your primary motivation?

Seeking adventure and justice
Pursuing knowledge and power
Upholding traditions and honor
Surviving and seeking personal gain

2. How do you handle conflict?

Head-on with a sword in hand
With calculated magic and strategy
By following strict codes and discipline
Through cunning tactics and manipulation

3. What is your ideal way to spend a day off?

Training and honing combat skills
Reading and studying ancient tomes
Engaging in traditional rituals
Indulging in luxuries and pleasure

4. How do you view power?

As a tool to protect the weak
As a means to achieve greatness
As a responsibility to enforce order
As leverage to dominate others

5. What is your attitude towards rules?

Bend them if necessary for the greater good
Follow them to gain respect and authority
Adhere to them strictly, they guide us
Exploit or break them if they serve your needs

6. How important are relationships to you?

Crucial, as they are a source of strength
Important, but secondary to my goals
Valued, especially with those who share my beliefs
Useful, as long as they serve my interests

7. What do you fear most?

Injustice and the suffering of innocents
Failure and being forgotten
Dishonor and disgrace
Loss of control and vulnerability

8. How do you react to betrayal?

Seek vengeance immediately
Analyze and strategize a response
View it as a breach of trust and dishonor
Use it as an opportunity to eliminate a threat

9. What is your approach to leadership?

Lead by example and inspire others
Lead with knowledge and vision
Lead through discipline and order
Lead by coercion and fear

10. What is your moral alignment?

Chaotic Good
Neutral Good
Lawful Neutral
Neutral Evil