Which Dragon's Dogma Character Are You?


Idyllic Icon


Created 7/16/2024



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Dive into the  world of Dragon's Dogma and discover which character or NPC you are

Dive into the world of Dragon's Dogma and discover which character or NPC you are

1. How do you deal with betrayal?

Seek revenge and retaliate.
Forgive and try to understand the reasons.
Cut ties and move on, focusing on the future.
Strategize to turn the betrayal into an advantage.

2. How do you prefer to spend your free time?

Exploring new places and seeking adventure.
Studying and acquiring knowledge.
Socializing and building relationships.
Planning and preparing for future endeavors.

3. Who do you prefer to have as companions on your journey?

Fellow fighters who share common goals.
Trusted friends you share a deep bond with.
Mercenaries who are skilled and dependable.
Loyal followers who will follow any order.

4. Which moral alignment do you feel most connected with?

Pursuing power regardless of the cost.
Doing the most good without strict law.
Valuing freedom and individuality.
Upholding justice and righteousness.

5. What environment do you prefer to operate in?

Bustling cities
Alone in my mansion
Out on the road
In nature

6. How do you react to unexpected challenges?

Face them head-on with courage.
Adapt quickly and use what resources are available.
Seek help or retreat to safety.
Strategize and prepare meticulously.

7. How would you describe your personality?

Confident and assertive.
Calm and wise.
Resourceful and cunning.
Kind-hearted and empathetic.

8. What's your approach to leadership?

Avoid leadership, preferring to follow or work independently.
Manipulate and command with strategic mind.
Support from behind, guiding through wisdom.
Lead from the front, inspiring others.

9. How do you deal with loss or failure?

Reflect and seek to understand the lessons.
Push forward relentlessly, learning from mistakes.
Rely on friends and allies for support.
Take it in stride, believing everything has a purpose.

10. How do you handle relationships with others?

Manipulate relationships for personal gain.
Maintain professional and strategic alliances.
Form deep, meaningful connections.
Stay detached and independent.