Which 'Orange is the New Black' Character Are You Most Like?


Created 6/26/2024



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Find out which 'Orange is the New Black' character you are most like with this fun quiz! Discover your true colors and see which inmate matches your personality.

Find out which 'Orange is the New Black' character you are most like with this fun quiz! Discover your true colors and see which inmate matches your personality.

1. How would you handle a conflict with another inmate?

Talk it out and try to understand their perspective.
Strategize and find a way to use the situation to my advantage.
Confront them directly and assertively deal with it.
Avoid the conflict and focus on my own well-being.

2. What's your approach to new challenges or situations?

Dive right in without much planning.
Carefully plan and consider all possible outcomes.
Take quick, decisive action to manage the challenge.
Reflect on how the situation aligns with my values.

3. How do you prefer to spend your free time in prison?

Organizing or improving my environment.
Reading or engaging in intellectual activities.
Socializing and helping others.
Finding creative ways to express myself.

4. What's your leadership style?

Lead by example and earn respect.
Use charisma and passion to inspire others.
Develop strategies and plans for the group.
Support and nurture others, focusing on their needs.

5. How do you react under pressure?

Stay calm and think logically.
Focus on immediate actions and solutions.
Trust my instincts and feelings.
Maintain a positive attitude and seek support.

6. How do you build relationships with others?

Be open, expressive, and connect emotionally.
Gain trust through loyalty and reliability.
Use wit and humor to form bonds.
Understand and support their individual needs.

7. What motivates you the most?

Achieving my goals and success.
Helping and improving the lives of others.
Seeking new experiences and excitement.
Finding inner peace and personal fulfillment.

8. How do you handle betrayal or trust issues?

Confront the betrayer and seek justice.
Analyze the situation and adapt my strategy.
Withdraw emotionally and protect myself.
Forgive and seek to understand their motives.

9. What role do you often play in group settings?

The leader who organizes and makes decisions.
The mediator who keeps peace and harmony.
The strategist who comes up with plans.
The supporter who helps and listens to others.

10. What's your approach to personal growth?

Continuously challenge myself and seek new goals.
Reflect on my experiences and learn from them.
Adapt to changes and learn on the go.
Focus on inner values and spiritual growth.