Which 'Orange is the New Black' Character Are You?

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Created 6/26/2024



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Find out which character from 'Orange is the New Black' you are most like with this fun quiz. Answer a few questions and discover your true prison alter ego.

Find out which character from 'Orange is the New Black' you are most like with this fun quiz. Answer a few questions and discover your true prison alter ego.

1. How do you usually handle a conflict?

Confront it head-on with logical reasoning.
Try to understand everyone's feelings and mediate.
Avoid it and hope it resolves itself.
Use humor or distraction to defuse the situation.

2. What would be your first action upon entering a new social group?

Observe and assess the group dynamics.
Introduce yourself and start making connections.
Hang back, listen, and wait for the right moment.
Take charge and start organizing activities.

3. Which quality best describes you?

Determined and strategic.
Adventurous and spontaneous.
Empathetic and understanding.
Independent and straightforward.

4. What is your usual approach to problem-solving?

Think it through and come up with a logical solution.
Consult others for advice and brainstorm together.
Follow your gut feelings and intuition.
Analyze the situation and make a quick decision.

5. How do you prefer to spend your free time?

Reading or engaging in intellectual activities.
Hanging out with friends and socializing.
Helping others or volunteering.
Working on personal projects or hobbies.

6. How do you react to stressful situations?

Stay calm and composed, analyzing the best course of action.
Rely on your support system for help.
Withdraw and handle it on your own.
Face it head-on with confidence and determination.

7. What is your leadership style?

Lead by example and inspire others.
Take charge and give clear directions.
Encourage collaboration and seek consensus.
Provide support and guidance behind the scenes.

8. When making decisions, what do you prioritize?

Efficiency and practicality.
Harmony and relationships.
Your own values and feelings.
Logical reasoning and foresight.

9. How do you deal with criticism?

Take it as an opportunity to improve.
Feel hurt but try to understand the perspective.
Brush it off and stay true to yourself.
Evaluate its validity and decide whether to act on it.

10. What motivates you the most?

Achieving your goals and ambitions.
Making a positive impact on others.
Personal growth and self-discovery.
Overcoming challenges and proving yourself.

11. How do you handle rules and authority?

Respect them but question when necessary.
Follow them if they are just and reasonable.
See them as guidelines and adapt as needed.
Challenge them if they contradict your principles.

12. What is your typical role in a team?

The leader who sets direction.
The mediator who keeps harmony.
The independent contributor who works solo.
The motivator who encourages others.