Which 'The Office' Character Are You?

Idyllic Icon


Created 6/20/2024



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Take this quiz to find out which 'The Office' character you resemble the most!

Take this quiz to find out which 'The Office' character you resemble the most!

1. How do you typically react to a work crisis?

I stay calm and find a practical solution.
I tend to panic but eventually handle it well.
I make it a big deal to get everyone's attention.
I try to ignore it and hope it resolves itself.

2. How do you handle an annoying coworker?

I put up with it in silence.
I confront them directly.
I make sarcastic comments.
I avoid them as much as possible.

3. What's your idea of a perfect office prank?

Something harmless and funny.
A prank that makes everyone laugh, including the victim.
A prank that only I find funny.
I don't like pranks at all.

4. What do you bring to the office potluck?

Homemade dish.
Store-bought snacks.
I forget and bring nothing.
Something unique to impress everyone.

5. How do you feel about office romance?

No problem, as long as it's appropriate.
I think it can be tricky but possible.
I’m against it completely.
I am secretly involved in one.

6. How do you deal with workplace rules and regulations?

I follow them strictly.
I bend them a little when necessary.
I ignore them entirely.
I try to find loopholes.

7. What motivates you the most at work?

Achieving professional success.
Making enough money.
Being liked by everyone.
Having fun and enjoying my work.

8. How do you handle a boring meeting?

I stay focused and participate.
I doodle or daydream.
I find ways to make it entertaining.
I silently check my phone.

9. What’s your approach to a new project?

I dive in and get started immediately.
I plan everything out first.
I procrastinate until the deadline.
I delegate tasks to others.

10. How do you prefer to spend your lunch break?

Eating with coworkers.
Alone to recharge.
Running errands.
Taking a longer break secretly.

11. What’s your ideal office environment?

Professional and organized.
Relaxed and casual.
Fun and energetic.
Strict and structured.

12. How would you describe your relationship with your boss?

Respectful and professional.
Friendly and casual.
Distant and formal.
Complicated and stressful.