Which Character from 'The Office' Are You?

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Created 6/20/2024



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Ever wondered which character from 'The Office' you are most like? Take this quiz to find out! Answer 12 questions and see how many you can get right!

Ever wondered which character from 'The Office' you are most like? Take this quiz to find out! Answer 12 questions and see how many you can get right!

1. What's your preferred way to deal with office conflict?

Address it head-on and resolve it
Ignore it and hope it goes away
Use it as an opportunity to display leadership
Make sarcastic comments about it

2. How do you react to an office party?

Plan the entire thing
Make sure everyone is included
Show up and enjoy
Find a way to make it awkward

3. What’s your go-to office attire?

A business suit
Comfortable casual clothes
Something quirky
Professional and neat

4. How do you feel about pranking?

Love it, especially elaborate ones
Don’t care for it
Enjoy being pranked
Hate it

5. When it comes to relationships in the office, you...

Try to keep it professional
Flirt with coworkers
Have had a couple of romances
Avoid them completely

6. Pick a favorite activity:

Attending meetings
Selling paper
Art and design
Data analysis

7. How do you handle a boring task?

Delegate it
Power through
Find a way to make it fun
Complain but get it done

8. What’s your leadership style?

Charismatic and fun
Strict and by the book
Hands-off and trusting

9. What’s your favorite office snack?

Pretzel day treats
Healthy snacks

10. How do you celebrate a big win?

Throw a party
Offer congratulations
Celebrate quietly
Take credit for it

11. What's your approach to a new project?

Take charge and lead
Follow instructions
Offer creative input
Analyze and plan extensively

12. What do you value most in your coworkers?

Friendship and camaraderie
Fun and humor