Which Character from 'The Vampire Diaries' Are You?

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Created 6/26/2024



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Find out which character from 'The Vampire Diaries' you are most like with this fun and insightful quiz!

Find out which character from 'The Vampire Diaries' you are most like with this fun and insightful quiz!

1. What is your approach to solving problems?

I manipulate situations to get what I want.
I adapt and roll with the changes.
I try to stay grounded in reality.
I rely on self-preservation and look out for myself first.

2. How do you handle responsibility?

I am deeply devoted and loyal to those I care about.
I often push away my responsibilities and family.
I get involved when absolutely necessary, but with doubts.
I tend to be self-sacrificing even if it means my own harm.

3. What would you consider your biggest flaw?

I can be manipulative to achieve my goals.
I refuse to accept my own faults.
I am often doubtful and resentful.
I am seen as selfish because I prioritize my own survival.

4. How do you cope with loss?

I become blind and resentful.
I struggle to find solid footing but try to adapt.
I stay hopeful and look for new beginnings.
I make sure to come out of it stronger and more self-preserving.

5. What is your best trait?

I am extremely devoted and loyal.
I can learn to adapt to my surroundings.
I bring a grounded and realistic perspective.
I always do what I need to, even if it means personal sacrifice.

6. How do you view the supernatural world?

I manipulate it to my advantage.
I accept it and adapt over time.
I try to stay away from it as much as possible.
I understand it deeply and make sacrifices for it.

7. What motivates you in life?

Achieving my own goals, no matter the cost.
Finding some sense of anchor and stability.
Maintaining a normal life outside of chaos.
Survival and ensuring my own safety.

8. How do you handle conflict?

I use others' fears against them.
I try to roll with the punches.
I get involved reluctantly and with doubt.
I look out for myself to ensure my survival.

9. What kind of relationships do you value?

Deeply loyal and devoted ones.
Ones where I can adapt and adjust.
Realistic and grounded friendships.
Relationships that help me self-preserve.

10. What is your approach to danger?

I often manipulate the situation in my favor.
I try to adapt and find solutions on the go.
I am reluctant and need persuasion.
I prioritize my survival and self-preservation.

11. What would you sacrifice for your loved ones?

I would go above and beyond, even if it breaks trust.
I struggle but try to be there for them.
I will reluctantly participate if necessary.
I often put myself in danger to save them.

12. How do you want to be remembered?

As someone extremely devoted and loyal.
As someone who adapted and survived.
As a grounded, everyday person.
As someone who did what they had to do.