Which Death Note Character Are You?
kylie genner
Created 6/27/2024

Find out which character from the hit series Death Note you resemble the most based on your personality traits and quirks.
1. How would you handle a moral dilemma involving life and death?
Analyze all possible outcomes carefully
Follow a strict moral code
Trust your instincts
Consider what benefits you the most
2. Which trait do you value most in yourself?
3. How do you prefer to work?
Alone, to maintain control
In a small, trusted team
With guidance from a mentor
Collaboratively with diverse opinions
4. What is your approach to solving complex problems?
Logical and methodical
Emotional and intuitive
Innovative and unorthodox
Resourceful and adaptable
5. How do you handle stress or pressure?
Stay calm and focused
Seek support from friends or colleagues
Take calculated risks
Use distractions to relax
6. What motivates you to achieve your goals?
The pursuit of justice
Personal ambition
Loyalty to loved ones
A desire for knowledge
7. How do you react when faced with opposition?
Strategize to outmaneuver them
Negotiate and seek compromise
Stand firm on your beliefs
Adapt and find alternative solutions
8. How important is power or influence to you?
Extremely important
Moderately important
Slightly important
Not important at all
9. What is your greatest fear?
10. How do you view rules and authority?
Strictly adhere to them
Challenge them if necessary
Circumvent them when needed
Follow them only if it benefits you