What Super Smash Bros Ultimate Fighter Matches Your Playstyle?


Created 6/25/2024



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Find out which Super Smash Bros Ultimate fighter matches your playstyle and dominate the game! Take this quiz to discover your perfect character.

Find out which Super Smash Bros Ultimate fighter matches your playstyle and dominate the game! Take this quiz to discover your perfect character.

1. What type of general playstyle do you prefer?


2. How do you feel about complexity in character inputs?

I love it!
I prefer simple inputs
It depends on reward
I'm indifferent

3. Do you like your character getting stronger as they take more damage?

Yes, definitely
No, I prefer consistency
Maybe, but not too much
I haven't thought about it

4. Which stage control approach do you prefer?

Pressure with close combat
Zone with long-range attacks
Versatile control
Using traps

5. How important is speed to your playstyle?

Very important
Somewhat important
Not important
Depends on the character's strengths

6. Would you rather deal high damage from precise hits or consistent damage over time?

Precise hits
Consistent damage
Both, depending on the situation
I'm not sure

7. Do you prefer characters with special abilities or straightforward attacks?

Special abilities
Straightforward attacks
A mix of both
Depends on my mood

8. How do you feel about characters that rely heavily on grabbing and throwing?

I love them
I don't like them
I'm neutral
Depends on their other abilities

9. Do you prefer offensive or defensive gameplay?

A mix of both
It depends on the match

10. How do you deal with opponent's mistakes?

Punish immediately with strong attacks
Set traps and bait further mistakes
Maintain pressure
Mix up strategies constantly