Which Mount & Blade Character Are You?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/19/2024



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Ever wondered which character from the legendary Mount & Blade series you resemble the most? Answer these questions to find out whether you're a valiant knight, a cunning tactician, or a fierce warrior!

Ever wondered which character from the legendary Mount & Blade series you resemble the most? Answer these questions to find out whether you're a valiant knight, a cunning tactician, or a fierce warrior!

1. How do you prepare for battle?

I rely on my advisors to plan the strategy while I oversee the preparations.
I rally my troops with inspiring words and lead them head-on into battle.
I prefer a flexible approach, adapting to the situation as it unfolds.
I meticulously plan every move and ensure my troops are perfectly positioned.

2. What is your approach to leading troops?

I inspire my troops with vision and shared goals.
I listen to my advisors and adapt based on their counsel.
I give clear orders and expect them to be followed without question.
I lead by example, fighting alongside my troops.

3. How do you handle negotiations?

I approach negotiations with honesty and fairness.
I seek to find a win-win solution for all parties.
I use whatever means necessary to get the best deal for myself.
I prefer to rely on my trusted advisors to handle negotiations.

4. What is your biggest strength in combat?

My tactical prowess and strategic mind.
My steadfast determination and resilience.
My exceptional combat skills and bravery.
My ability to inspire and lead my troops.

5. How do you manage your resources?

I am generous, investing in my people’s well-being.
I seize opportunities to maximize my resources, sometimes at others' expense.
I am careful and frugal, ensuring nothing is wasted.
I balance between saving and spending, depending on the situation.

6. You encounter a rival gang moving into your territory. How do you respond?

I set strategic traps and outmaneuver them.
I negotiate a mutually beneficial agreement to avoid conflict.
I confront them head-on and assert my dominance.
I delegate the problem to my trusted advisors.

7. What is your priority when managing your kingdom?

Ensuring economic prosperity and trade.
Building a strong and loyal military.
Maintaining political stability and influence.
Upholding justice and the well-being of my people.

8. How do you handle a betrayal within your ranks?

I try to understand their reasons and possibly forgive them.
I delegate the issue to my trusted advisors.
I punish the betrayer severely to set an example.
I analyze the situation and take a measured response.

9. What is your vision for your realm's future?

Expanding my territories through conquest.
Creating a thriving economy and trade network.
Ensuring peace and prosperity for my people.
Maintaining a stable and secure realm.

10. How do you deal with a family feud among your nobles?

I mediate personally to resolve the dispute.
I use force if necessary to impose order.
I manipulate the situation for political gain.
I delegate the matter to my trusted advisors.

11. What kind of leader do you aspire to be?

An authoritative leader who commands respect and authority.
An empathetic ruler who prioritizes the well-being of their people.
A visionary who inspires and leads by example.
A pragmatist who makes practical decisions for the greater good.

12. How do you balance personal ambition with the needs of your realm?

I put the needs of my realm above my personal ambitions.
I strategize to align my personal ambitions with the realm's prosperity.
I balance my personal goals with the well-being of my people.
I prioritize my ambitions, using the realm’s resources to achieve them.