Which 'Elite Dangerous' Role Are You?


Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/24/2024



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Dive deep into the galaxy of 'Elite Dangerous' and find out which role or character matches your gameplay style and spacefaring traits. Are you a bold explorer, a cunning trader, a relentless bounty hunter, or something else entirely?

Dive deep into the galaxy of 'Elite Dangerous' and find out which role or character matches your gameplay style and spacefaring traits. Are you a bold explorer, a cunning trader, a relentless bounty hunter, or something else entirely?

1. What type of ship do you prefer?

A large cargo ship
A heavily armed and armored combat ship
A mining vessel equipped with specialized tools
A fast and agile scout ship

2. What is your favorite in-game activity?

Engaging in combat and hunting bounties
Exploring new systems and planets
Trading goods for profit
Mining asteroids for valuable minerals

3. How do you handle risky situations?

I handle risks as they come, flexible and adaptable
I prefer to avoid unnecessary risks and play it safe
I thrive on high-risk, high-reward scenarios
I take calculated risks with backup plans

4. Which in-game location do you find most appealing?

The far reaches of uncharted space
A bustling trade hub
An asteroid belt rich in resources
A heavily fortified military outpost

5. Which in-game factions do you prefer to ally with?

Military and law enforcement
Large corporations and trade conglomerates
Independent and exploratory groups
Covert and underground networks

6. How do you typically handle conflicts?

Using subterfuge and covert tactics
Direct confrontation and combat
Avoiding it whenever possible
Negotiation and diplomacy

7. What kind of cockpit experience do you prefer?

A high-tech cockpit with advanced scanning equipment
A cargo ship with plenty of storage compartments
An armored cockpit with advanced targeting systems
A versatile cockpit capable of multiple roles

8. What motivates you the most in the game?

Gathering resources and crafting
Making a profit through trades or services
Engaging in thrilling combat and hunts
Discovering unknown places and mysteries

9. Which aspect of space travel do you enjoy the most?

Running trade routes and shipping goods
Engaging in tactical space battles
Mining resources from asteroids and planets
Navigating vast interstellar distances

10. How do you feel about multiplayer interactions?

I like a mix of both cooperative and competitive play
I prefer to play solo with minimal interaction
I prefer competitive PvP interactions
I enjoy cooperative play and assisting others

11. What kind of missions interest you the most?

Combat missions with high bounties
Trade and delivery missions
Missions that involve exploration and discovery
Missions involving resource collection

12. How do you manage your ship's resources?

Flexible and adaptive to changing situations
Optimized for maximized profit and resource collection
Focused on combat tactics and swift reactions
Efficient and systematic, ensuring maximum effectiveness