Which Star Citizen Character Are You?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/19/2024



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Dive into the universe of Star Citizen and discover which iconic character from the game matches your space-faring personality. From bold explorers to tactical combatants, find out who you reflect the most in your adventures.

Dive into the universe of Star Citizen and discover which iconic character from the game matches your space-faring personality. From bold explorers to tactical combatants, find out who you reflect the most in your adventures.

1. How do you approach a newly discovered planet on the edge of the galaxy?

Establish diplomatic relations with any potential inhabitants.
Scan it thoroughly for resources and potential threats.
Land immediately and begin exploring, looking for hidden secrets.
Fortify your position and keep a lookout for enemies.

2. During a fierce space battle, what is your primary focus?

Take advantage of the chaos to loot valuable cargo.
Coordinate with your team to outmaneuver and outflank the enemy.
Eliminate the biggest threat as quickly as possible.
Protect your allies and secure your ship's defenses.

3. A critical system on your ship malfunctions while deep in space. What do you do?

Use your technical know-how to quickly fix the issue.
Scavenge for parts and make a temporary fix until you reach help.
Contact nearby allies or friends for assistance.
Assess if abandoning the ship is the safest option.

4. You encounter an unknown alien species. What is your first step?

Observe them from a distance to gather more information.
Prepare your defenses and be ready to engage.
Attempt to communicate and establish trust.
See if they have valuable resources to trade or acquire.

5. How do you prefer to handle disagreements within your crew?

Allow the crew to vote and decide the best course of action.
Mediate a discussion to find a compromise.
Enforce strict rules to maintain order.
Focus on the mission and let the disagreements resolve themselves.

6. A high-stakes mission offers significant rewards but also great risk. Do you?

Decline the mission; the risks are too high.
Consult with your trusted advisors and crew.
Analyze all potential outcomes before making a decision.
Take the mission; big risks can lead to big rewards.

7. How do you manage your starship's resources during long voyages?

Rely on trading and bartering for necessary supplies.
Carefully conserve resources and plan every step.
Focus on exploring new areas to find untapped resources.
Optimize systems and use advanced technologies to maintain efficiency.

8. You find powerful but illegal weaponry in deep space. What do you do?

Sell it to the highest bidder in the black market.
Study it to understand and possibly improve upon its technology.
Turn it over to the authorities in exchange for a reward.
Keep it for yourself; power is essential in survival.

9. How do you react to a distress signal from a rival faction?

Respond and offer assistance; everyone deserves help.
Ignore it; it's not your problem.
Investigate cautiously before making any decision.
Use it as a chance to gain intelligence on the rival faction.

10. How do you handle treasure or artifacts found during an exploration?

Keep them for personal study and usage.
Donate them to a museum for the benefit of all.
Sell them in the black market for a high profit.
Split the findings with your crew members.

11. You need a rare item for a critical mission. How do you obtain it?

Complete a challenging quest or task.
Steal it from those who currently own it.
Trade valuable resources or favors for it.
Research and synthesize an alternative solution.

12. How do you motivate your crew before a dangerous mission?

Deliver an inspiring speech highlighting the importance of the mission.
Ensure everyone is well-prepared and then lead by example.
Carefully outline the tactical plans to boost confidence.
Offer rewards and incentives for successful completion.

13. What drives your actions in the universe of Star Citizen?

Accumulating wealth and building a powerful network.
Protecting and helping others.
Achieving fame and becoming a legend.
The pursuit of knowledge and discovery.