Find Your Ideal 2024 Presidential Candidate!


Created 6/18/2024



Q & A

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Discover whether Trump or Biden aligns better with your values and priorities in the upcoming 2024 presidential election.

Discover whether Trump or Biden aligns better with your values and priorities in the upcoming 2024 presidential election.

1. Which economic approach do you support?

Bottom-up economic investments in infrastructure and jobs.
Revival of old policies with a focus on border security.

2. What is your stance on abortion rights?

Restore Roe v. Wade and support reproductive rights.
Leave abortion laws to the states and support limits.

3. How should the US handle immigration?

More humane approach with some restrictive measures.
Seal the border and carry out large deportations.

4. What kind of tax policies do you support?

Raise corporate tax rates and tax the wealthy more.
Lower taxes and reduce regulations.

5. How should the US engage internationally?

Provide support to international allies like Ukraine.
Encourage allies to be self-reliant and reduce direct involvement.

6. What is your position on climate initiatives?

Invest in clean energy and climate initiatives.
Increase domestic energy production and reduce regulations.

7. Which candidate's approach to healthcare do you align with?

Maintain and improve healthcare policies like the Affordable Care Act.
Eliminate the Affordable Care Act and pursue alternatives.

8. What is your view on handling inflation?

Continue policies that aim to lower inflation gradually.
Blame current leadership and revert to previous economic policies.

9. How do you view policies on crime and homelessness?

Support a balanced approach to social issues.
Prioritize strict crackdowns on crime and homelessness.

10. What is your stance on gun laws?

Support stricter gun control laws.
Promote gun rights and less restrictive gun laws.

11. How should the US handle foreign trade?

Impose tariffs on countries like China to protect domestic jobs.
Focus on free trade and reducing tariffs.

12. What approach do you support regarding racial equality?

Increase support for marginalized communities.
Prioritize law and order and economic opportunities.

13. What is your position on voting rights?

Expand and protect voting rights for all citizens.
Implement stricter voting regulations to prevent fraud.

14. How should the US handle its relationship with Israel?

Continue strong support while voicing criticism when necessary.
Support Israel unconditionally without public criticism.

15. What is your stance on public spending?

Increase spending on social programs and infrastructure.
Reduce government spending to lower taxes.

16. How do you view environmental regulations?

Support environmental regulations to protect natural resources.
Reduce regulations to promote economic growth.

17. What is your position on education?

Increase funding for public education and student loans.
Promote school choice and reduce federal involvement.

18. Which approach to federal budgeting do you favor?

Support deficit spending for necessary initiatives.
Prioritize a balanced budget and reduced spending.

19. What is your view on the US military presence abroad?

Maintain a significant presence to ensure global stability.
Reduce military involvement and focus on domestic issues.

20. How should the US handle healthcare for undocumented immigrants?

Provide basic healthcare services to all, including undocumented immigrants.
Deny healthcare benefits to undocumented immigrants.