Which US Presidential Candidate Better Suits You in 2024: Trump or Biden?


Created 6/18/2024



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Find out which US Presidential candidate aligns more with your values and beliefs for the upcoming 2024 election.

Find out which US Presidential candidate aligns more with your values and beliefs for the upcoming 2024 election.

1. How do you feel about economic policy?

I support investing in infrastructure and clean energy to build the economy from the bottom up.
I support lowering taxes and reducing regulations to boost the economy.

2. What is your stance on immigration?

I support a more humane approach and believe in suspending/revoking stricter border policies.
I support sealing the border and implementing the largest deportation operation in US history.

3. What are your views on abortion rights?

I believe in restoring Roe v. Wade and ensuring reproductive freedom.
I support the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade and think states should decide on abortion laws.

4. How do you feel about handling inflation?

I believe current economic policies are effective and support ongoing infrastructure investment.
I blame high inflation on big spending and support returning to an agenda of lower taxes and spending cuts.

5. What do you think about gun control?

I support enhanced background checks and a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.
I believe in fewer gun control laws and would unravel current gun regulations.

6. How should healthcare be handled?

I support lowering prescription drug costs and expanding the Affordable Care Act.
I think the Affordable Care Act should be repealed and replaced with a better alternative.

7. What is your position on climate change and environmental policies?

I support policies focused on clean energy and climate change mitigation.
I believe we should prioritize other economic policies over stringent environmental regulations.

8. What approach should the US take on foreign policy?

I support strong alliances and diplomatic efforts to address global issues.
I support a more America-first approach, emphasizing national interests over international alliances.

9. What should be the focus of national defense?

I support maintaining current defense strategies and alliances while addressing emerging threats.
I support increasing defense spending and adopting a more aggressive stance against perceived threats.

10. What is your stance on handling crime?

I believe in addressing the root causes of crime and investing in community programs.
I support tougher law enforcement measures and cracking down on criminal activities more aggressively.

11. How should the US address the issue of drug cartels?

I support international cooperation and targeted operations to dismantle drug cartels.
I support waging a war on drug cartels and fighting them aggressively within and outside the US.

12. What's your stance on tax policy?

I support raising taxes on corporations and the wealthy to fund social programs.
I support across-the-board tax cuts, including for corporations and high-income individuals.

13. How do you feel about the current state of the economy?

I believe current policies are driving strong growth and job creation.
I think we were better off economically under previous leadership.

14. What is your view on election integrity?

I believe in strengthening election security and addressing any vulnerabilities.
I believe the 2020 election was flawed and support measures to prevent election fraud.

15. What is your perspective on handling the COVID-19 pandemic?

I support continued efforts to combat COVID-19 through vaccinations and public health measures.
I believe in lifting most restrictions and focusing on individual responsibility and freedom.

16. How should the US handle its relationship with China?

I support a balanced approach including both diplomacy and strict trade measures.
I advocate for imposing high tariffs and taking a tough stance against China.

17. What are your thoughts on the role of the federal government in the economy?

I believe the federal government should play a significant role in economic planning and development.
I believe the economy is best left to free-market mechanisms with minimal government intervention.

18. How should the US approach the issue of homelessness?

I support investing in social programs and affordable housing initiatives.
I believe in strong law enforcement measures to address homelessness and ensure public safety.

19. What is your stance on advanced technology and social media regulations?

I support regulations to protect privacy and prevent disinformation on social media.
I believe in fewer regulations on technology companies and promoting free speech.

20. What are your views on federal government transparency?

I support measures to increase transparency and accountability in the federal government.
I believe there is a large political and legal conspiracy against certain leaders that needs to be addressed.