Which Horror Movie Victim Are You?


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Created 6/25/2024



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Take this quiz to find out which horror movie victim you would be!

Take this quiz to find out which horror movie victim you would be!

1. What kind of location do you find yourself in when the horror begins?

An abandoned asylum
A creepy forest
An old mansion
A remote island

2. What weapon would you pick up to defend yourself?

A rusty old knife
A baseball bat
A handgun with limited ammo
A heavy flashlight

3. How do you react when you first hear something strange?

Investigate immediately
Hide and stay quiet
Run in the opposite direction
Scream for help

4. Who are you with when the horror begins?

A group of friends
Your family
A stranger you just met
You are completely alone

5. What role do you usually play in your social group?

The leader
The joker
The brains
The loner

6. How do you handle stress in a crisis?

Stay calm and think logically
Panic and freeze
Become aggressive and confront the threat
Try to find an escape route

7. What unsolved mystery intrigues you the most?

Ghosts and spirits
Ancient curses
Mysterious disappearances
Alien abductions

8. Which horror movie cliché do you think you would fall for?

Splitting up to cover more ground
Ignoring ominous warnings
Trusting the suspiciously helpful local
Exploring the creepy basement

9. What is your biggest fear?

The dark
Being alone
Enclosed spaces
Being followed

10. What supernatural entity sends chills down your spine?

A vengeful ghost
A bloodthirsty vampire
A possessed doll
An ancient demon

11. What is your last stand approach when cornered?

Fight till the end
Try to reason with the killer
Beg for mercy
Sacrifice yourself to save others

12. How would you prefer to outsmart the antagonist?

Setting traps
Using psychological tricks
Finding and destroying their weakness
Collaborating with other victims