Which Horror Movie Victim Are You?

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Created 6/25/2024



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Are you the final girl who always survives, the comic relief who meets a grisly end, or the curious daredevil who can't resist temptation? Take this quiz to find out which horror movie victim archetype you are!

Are you the final girl who always survives, the comic relief who meets a grisly end, or the curious daredevil who can't resist temptation? Take this quiz to find out which horror movie victim archetype you are!

1. What would you do if you heard a strange noise in your house at night?

Investigate the noise by myself.
Call out to see if anyone responds.
Grab a weapon and cautiously proceed.
Lock myself in a room and call the police.

2. You find an old, mysterious book. What do you do?

Read it out loud.
Skim through it quickly.
Place it back where you found it.
Ask someone about its origin.

3. A friend suggests exploring an abandoned house. How do you respond?

Absolutely, I love adventures!
Only if it's during the daytime.
Maybe, but I'd prefer to stay outside.
No way, it's too dangerous.

4. You receive a chain letter or email that threatens bad luck if you don't forward it. What do you do?

Forward it to everyone I know.
Ignore it and delete it.
Laugh it off and send it to one friend as a joke.
Research its origins to see if there's any truth to it.

5. What's your reaction when you see a misty figure standing at the end of a dark hallway?

Approach it to get a better look.
Run in the opposite direction.
Stand still and hope it goes away.
Shout at it to see if it responds.

6. You are in a group and someone suggests splitting up to cover more ground. What do you decide?

Agree and go alone.
Agree but insist on pairing up.
Strongly oppose the idea.
Reluctantly go along with the plan.

7. You find an odd-looking amulet on the ground. What do you do?

Pick it up and put it on.
Take it home to study it.
Leave it where you found it.
Ask others if they know anything about it.

8. How do you react when you hear a warning about a curse in the area you’re visiting?

Consider it nonsense and ignore it.
Take precautions just in case.
Research the curse’s history.
Leave the area immediately.

9. You discover an old mirror in the attic. How do you handle it?

Clean it and hang it up.
Look into it carefully.
Cover it up and leave it alone.
Ask someone else to deal with it.

10. You meet a mysterious stranger who offers you a deal that sounds too good to be true. What do you do?

Accept the deal without hesitation.
Ask for more details before deciding.
Politely decline the offer.
Warn others about the stranger.

11. You find an old photograph of people you don't recognize in your house. What do you do?

Show it to friends or family.
Investigate its origins.
Toss it in the trash.
Keep it as a curiosity.

12. You're invited to a late-night séance. What's your response?

Excitedly agree to join.
Agree but stay skeptical.
Attend out of curiosity.
Refuse because it’s too creepy.

13. You see a black cat repeatedly crossing your path. What do you think?

It’s a bad omen.
It’s just a coincidence.
It’s an animal that needs help.
Ignore it and move on.

14. A close friend is acting very strangely and seems almost possessed. What do you do?

Confront them directly.
Seek help from an expert.
Distance myself from them.
Try to snap them out of it.

15. You find yourself lost in a dark forest with no cell signal. What’s your next move?

Start shouting for help.
Stay put and wait for daylight.
Try to find a path or road.
Look for a place to shelter.