Are You More Liberal or Conservative?


Created 6/28/2024



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Find out if you lean more towards a liberal or conservative perspective with this thought-provoking quiz!

Find out if you lean more towards a liberal or conservative perspective with this thought-provoking quiz!

1. How would you describe your stance on government intervention in the economy?

Strongly support
Somewhat support
Somewhat oppose
Strongly oppose

2. How important is it for the government to regulate environmental policies?

Very important
Somewhat important
Not very important
Not important at all

3. What is your view on healthcare?

Universal healthcare for all
Affordable healthcare with some government support
Private healthcare with limited government involvement
Entirely privatized healthcare

4. How do you feel about the role of religion in public life?

It should be dominant
It should be influential
It should be separate
It should not be involved at all

5. What is your opinion on military spending?

Significantly increase
Maintain current levels
Slightly decrease
Significantly decrease

6. What is your stance on same-sex marriage?

Strongly support
Support with reservations
Oppose with reservations
Strongly oppose

7. How do you view immigration policies?

Open and welcoming policies
Balanced and controlled policies
Restrictive policies
Very strict policies

8. What is your perspective on gun control?

Strict regulations
Moderate control
Limited control
Few to no regulations

9. How do you feel about taxation?

Higher taxes for more public services
Moderate taxes for balanced services
Lower taxes with fewer services
Minimal taxes and minimal government involvement

10. Which community attribute is most important to you?

Racial and ethnic diversity
Economic opportunity
Shared religious faith
Access to the outdoors