Are You More Liberal or Conservative?


Created 6/25/2024



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Discover if you lean more towards liberal or conservative ideologies with this thought-provoking quiz!

Discover if you lean more towards liberal or conservative ideologies with this thought-provoking quiz!

1. How do you generally feel about government's role in society?

The government should be as small as possible.
The government should focus on national security and law enforcement.
The government plays a critical role in certain areas but not others.
The government should provide a wide range of services to its citizens.
The government should actively work to reduce income inequality and ensure social justice.

2. What is your stance on economic regulation?

The free market should operate without interference.
Regulation is necessary to prevent corporate abuses but should be minimal.
Some regulation is needed to balance the interests of businesses and consumers.
Regulation is essential to protect workers, consumers, and the environment.
The government should impose strong regulations to ensure fair economic practices and reduce inequality.

3. What are your views on healthcare?

Healthcare should be left to the private sector.
There should be minimal government intervention in healthcare.
There should be a mixed approach combining private and public options.
The government should guarantee basic healthcare access for everyone.
Healthcare should be entirely public and free for all citizens.

4. How do you view issues of race and ethnicity in America?

Racism is not a significant issue in today's America.
While racism exists, it is not widespread and often exaggerated.
Racism is an issue but can be addressed with targeted reforms.
Racism is a serious problem that requires comprehensive policies to address.
Structural racism is pervasive and the government must actively dismantle it.

5. What are your opinions on climate change?

Climate change is not a significant concern.
Climate change is a concern but should not be prioritized over economic growth.
Climate change is a serious issue that needs balanced solutions.
Urgent action is needed to combat climate change.
Climate change is an existential threat requiring immediate and sweeping action.

6. What do you think about tax policy?

Taxes should be as low as possible for everyone.
Taxes should be lower, especially for businesses to spur growth.
Taxes should be balanced to fund necessary services without excessive burden.
Higher taxes on the wealthy are necessary to fund important social programs.
Taxes should be significantly increased on the wealthy and corporations to ensure social equity.

7. How do you feel about education policy?

Education should be a local and private matter.
The government should provide basic funding but avoid overregulation.
Public education systems need reasonable support and flexibility.
The government should significantly fund and reform public education systems.
Education should be free and universally accessible, with strong government oversight.

8. What is your stance on gun control?

There should be no restrictions on gun ownership.
Minimal restrictions are necessary to prevent misuse.
Reasonable controls should be in place to ensure public safety.
Strict gun control laws are necessary to reduce violence.
Private gun ownership should be heavily restricted or banned.

9. What are your views on LGBTQ+ rights?

Traditional family structures are essential and should be preserved.
LGBTQ+ rights should be accepted but not actively promoted by the government.
LGBTQ+ individuals should be treated equally but without special advocacy.
The government should actively protect and promote LGBTQ+ rights.
Full equality for LGBTQ+ individuals, including active promotion and special protections, is necessary.

10. How do you view immigration policy?

Immigration should be severely limited to protect national interests.
Immigration should be controlled with a focus on skilled workers.
Immigration policy should balance security and humanitarian concerns.
The government should focus on more inclusive and compassionate immigration policies.
The country should have open borders and promote the free movement of people.