Which Anime Villain Are You?


Created 7/9/2024



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Find out which notorious anime villain matches your personality! Are you cunning like Light Yagami or powerful like Madara Uchiha?

Find out which notorious anime villain matches your personality! Are you cunning like Light Yagami or powerful like Madara Uchiha?

1. What's your primary motivation in life?

Unlocking all of the world's secrets and pushing the boundaries of knowledge
Enacting revenge on those who have wronged me or my loved ones
Achieving ultimate power and domination over others
Creating a new world order based on my ideals of justice

2. How do you typically approach conflict?

Carefully analyzing the situation and planning multiple steps ahead
Overwhelming force and intimidation to crush any resistance
Manipulating others and exploiting their weaknesses
Adapting quickly and improvising creative solutions on the spot

3. What's your view on morality?

The ends always justify the means, no matter how ruthless
I have a strict moral code that I adhere to, even if others see it as evil
Concepts of good and evil are meaningless - only power matters
Morality is subjective - I create my own rules to live by

4. How do you prefer to present yourself to others?

Mysterious and unpredictable, keeping others constantly guessing
Cold and calculating, maintaining an air of emotionless superiority
Intimidating and powerful, instilling fear and respect in everyone I meet
Charismatic and charming, hiding my true nature behind a mask of friendliness

5. What's your ideal vision for the world?

A world of absolute order and control, with me at the helm
A utopia reshaped according to my ideals of perfection
A world where the strong rule and the weak serve or perish
A world of chaos where everyone is free to pursue their darkest desires

6. How do you view your minions or followers?

As misguided souls that I must lead towards my vision
As potential threats that must be kept in line through fear
As disposable pawns to be sacrificed when necessary
As valuable assets to be nurtured and developed

7. What's your preferred method of defeating your enemies?

Outsmarting them with superior intellect and strategy
Manipulating them into destroying themselves
Crushing them with overwhelming physical power
Breaking their spirit and corrupting their ideals

8. How do you react when your plans are thwarted?

By flying into a destructive rage, lashing out at everything around me
With cold fury, vowing brutal revenge on those who opposed me
With maniacal laughter, viewing it as an exciting challenge
By calmly reassessing and formulating new, improved strategies

9. What's your most prized possession or ability?

My superhuman abilities or transformative powers
A powerful artifact or weapon of mass destruction
My charisma and ability to manipulate others
My unparalleled intellect and scientific knowledge

10. What would be your iconic villain quote?

"In this world, only the strong survive and the weak perish."
"I am not the villain in this story. I am the architect of a better world."
"Why so serious? Let's put a smile on that face!"
"All the world's a stage, and I am its puppet master."