Which Anime Villain Are You?



Created 6/26/2024



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Find out which iconic anime villain you align with the most in this personality quiz. Discover your true colors and see which antagonist you would be in the world of anime.

Find out which iconic anime villain you align with the most in this personality quiz. Discover your true colors and see which antagonist you would be in the world of anime.

1. How would you describe your ideal way of ruling over others?

Through fear and intimidation
By manipulating them from the shadows
By leading with a calm, but iron fist
Through chaos and unpredictability

2. What drives your ambition the most?

A desire to reshape the world

3. Which outfit appeals to you the most?

An intimidating dark armor
A sharp business suit
Casual but deceptive street clothes
A flamboyant and eye-catching costume

4. How do you typically deal with those who oppose you?

Eliminate them without hesitation
Manipulate them to your advantage
Break their spirit over time
Cause public spectacles to demoralize them

5. What kind of environment do you prefer to operate in?

A dark, foreboding fortress
A hidden lair unknown to others
A public but influential establishment
Wherever I can cause the most chaos

6. Which word best describes your personality?


7. What is your ultimate goal?

Total domination
Achieving ultimate power
Creating a new world order
Making everyone suffer

8. How do you view your minions or underlings?

As expendable tools
As loyal pawns to be manipulated
As disciples who need guidance
As instruments of chaos

9. When faced with defeat, what is your response?

Retreat and come back stronger
Adapt and manipulate the situation
Calmly plan the next move
Create a spectacle even in loss

10. Which setting for a final showdown sounds most appealing?

A dark and stormy battlefield
A secret and high-tech facility
A grand, public stage
A crumbling, chaotic landscape