Which Walking Dead Character Matches Your Personality?


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Created 7/11/2024



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Which Walking Dead Character are you?

Which Walking Dead Character are you?

1. How would you handle a moral dilemma where you must choose between saving a close friend or a group of strangers?

Save the group of strangers, the more people saved, the better.
Find a way to save both, even if it risks my own life.
Make a strategic choice based on who can serve the group's future better.
Save the close friend, they come first.

2. What leadership quality do you think is the most important in a post-apocalyptic world?

Empathy and understanding towards others.
Inspiration and the ability to motivate others.
Strategic thinking and planning for the long-term.
Decisiveness and taking quick, effective actions.

3. You discover a new group of survivors. What's your initial reaction?

Observe them from a distance before deciding.
Approach cautiously and assess their intentions.
Avoid them and continue on your way.
Welcome them openly and try to build an alliance.

4. What's the biggest challenge of leading a group in a hostile environment?

Managing conflicts within the group.
Ensuring security and safety from threats.
Maintaining morale and hope.
Finding enough resources for everyone.

5. If you could choose one weapon to always have with you, what would it be?

A trusty knife or dagger.
A reliable firearm.
A sharp katana or sword.
A silent but deadly crossbow.

6. What do you believe is essential for a community to thrive in the post-apocalypse?

Strong leadership and clear rules.
Skilled and capable fighters.
Trust and cooperation among members.
Sustainable resources and supplies.

7. How do you deal with loss in a world full of suffering?

I become more protective of those I still have.
I focus on the mission and keep moving.
I channel my pain into fighting harder.
I rely on my faith and hope to heal.

8. In a high-stress crisis, what approach do you take to maintain order?

I assess the situation strategically and make a plan.
I look for the quickest solution and act.
I take charge and give clear instructions.
I encourage everyone to stay calm and cooperative.

9. How do you ensure the loyalty and discipline of your group?

I build personal relationships and trust with each member.
I foster a sense of community and mutual support.
I enforce rules strictly and ensure consequences for disobedience.
I lead by example and earn their respect.

10. Which trait do you believe is most detrimental to survival?

Arrogance and overconfidence.
Naivety and blind trust.
Selfishness and lack of cooperation.
Fear and hesitation.

11. What would be your primary role in a post-apocalyptic community?

Scout and protector.
Builder and supplier.
Leader and strategist.
Medic and caregiver.