Which Walking Dead Character Are You?


Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/19/2024



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Ever wondered which survivor from The Walking Dead you resemble the most? Take this quiz to discover which character matches your survival skills, personality, and decision-making style in apocalyptic scenarios.

Ever wondered which survivor from The Walking Dead you resemble the most? Take this quiz to discover which character matches your survival skills, personality, and decision-making style in apocalyptic scenarios.

1. What's your first instinct when you encounter a group of walkers?

Look for an escape route.
Prepare a quick plan and delegate tasks to others.
Try to outsmart them and find a way to lead them away.
Fight them off with your weapon.

2. How do you approach new survivors?

Cautiously, but willing to give them a chance.
Assertively, establishing rules and your authority.
With suspicion, keeping your guard up.
Openly and invitingly, willing to help.

3. In a crisis, what's your leadership style?

Make decisions quickly and expect others to follow.
Discuss with the group and reach a consensus.
Assess the situation carefully and act accordingly.
Lead by example, showing strength and resilience.

4. What's your preferred weapon of choice in the apocalypse?

Crossbow or bow and arrow.
Anything at hand – you're resourceful.
Sword or katana.
Handgun or rifle.

5. What motivates you to keep going?

Rebuilding a better world.
Survival at all costs.
Proving your strength and dominance.
Protecting loved ones.

6. How do you deal with betrayal?

Forgive and work towards reconciliation.
Take time to understand motives, then decide on action.
Confront and assert dominance swiftly.
Cut them off and move on.

7. What type of leadership do you respect the most?

A compassionate, understanding leader.
A strategic, pragmatic leader.
A strong, decisive leader.
A leader who leads by example.

8. How do you handle moments of doubt?

Confide in trusted friends or advisors.
Push through and fake confidence if needed.
Seek philosophical or spiritual guidance.
Isolate and reflect deeply on the situation.

9. What's your ultimate goal in the apocalypse?

Survival and protection of your group.
Proving your strength and dominance.
Finding a sense of peace and stability.
Building a new and better society.

10. How do you cope with the loss of close ones?

Find solace in helping others.
Channel the pain into action.
Focus on the past and memories.
Try to forget and move on quickly.

11. How do you engage with hostile survivors?

Formulate a strategic plan for engagement.
Fight if necessary, avoid if possible.
Assert domination and control.
Negotiate and try to find common ground.

12. How do you perceive the role of rules in a post-apocalyptic world?

Essential to maintain order.
A relic of the past; focus on survival.
Rules are made to be broken.
Flexible and dependent on situation.

13. How important is community to you?

Useful only for certain purposes.
Not very important, prefer being on own.
Very important, strength in numbers.
Important, but selectivity is key.

14. What would you sacrifice for the greater good?

Nothing; survival of self is paramount.
Only if it doesn't harm my loved ones.
Almost anything, if it ensures long-term survival.
Rarely and only as a last resort.