Which 'Colony' Character Are You?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/11/2024



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Dive into the thrilling world of 'Colony' and discover which character you resonate with the most! Whether you're a natural leader, a resilient survivor, or a cunning strategist, this quiz will reveal your 'Colony' counterpart.

Dive into the thrilling world of 'Colony' and discover which character you resonate with the most! Whether you're a natural leader, a resilient survivor, or a cunning strategist, this quiz will reveal your 'Colony' counterpart.

1. When faced with a difficult decision, what is your primary consideration?

Strategizing for the long-term benefit of many.
Protecting my loved ones at all costs.
Ensuring my own survival and safety.
Doing what is morally right, even if it's risky.

2. How would you react if someone close to you betrayed you?

I'd try to find a way to reconcile and move forward.
I'd cut ties immediately and never look back.
I'd seek revenge to make things even.
I'd feel hurt but try to understand their motives.

3. What role do you prefer in a group facing an adverse situation?

The leader who makes the tough calls.
The supporter, keeping morale high and helping others.
The provider, ensuring we have what we need to survive.
The strategist planning the next moves.

4. How do you handle a moral dilemma where both choices have severe consequences?

I consult with others to make a collective decision.
I weigh the options and choose the lesser evil.
I follow my gut feeling, regardless of logic.
I try to find a third way out, even if it's difficult.

5. If you had to choose between loyalty to your family or loyalty to a cause, what would you do?

I would make my decision based on the situation.
The cause is more important than anything else.
Family comes first, always.
I would balance both as much as possible.

6. How do you respond to someone in need, but helping them puts you at risk?

I assess the risk first, then decide if it's worth it.
I avoid the risk and protect myself.
I help without hesitation; it's the right thing to do.
I find another way to help that minimizes my risk.

7. What survival strategy do you believe in?

Relying on strong leadership and organization.
Forming alliances, even with unlikely partners.
Gathering resources and staying hidden.
Staying mobile and adaptable.

8. How do you feel about breaking rules to achieve your goals?

I follow rules unless they conflict with my values.
I'm willing to bend rules to get things done.
Rules are meant to be followed for a reason.
Rules are just obstacles; I do whatever is necessary.

9. In a conflict situation, what is your primary approach?

Negotiate and find a peaceful solution.
Use strategic moves to outsmart the opponent.
Avoid conflict and try to stay unnoticed.
Stand firm and assert my position.

10. What motivates you to keep going in tough times?

The challenge and thrill of overcoming obstacles.
The goal of achieving a better future.
The well-being of my family and friends.
A sense of duty and moral responsibility.

11. If you were a part of the resistance, what role would you take on?

Providing support and resources to those on the frontlines.
Leading the charge and drawing up plans.
Trying to protect innocent bystanders from harm.
Operating from behind the scenes, gathering intel.

12. How do you maintain hope in a seemingly hopeless situation?

By focusing on small victories and progress.
By staying connected to friends and family.
By keeping busy and focusing on tasks at hand.
By imagining a brighter future for everyone.

13. What kind of leader do you resonate with the most?

A leader who is strategic and decisive.
A leader who is adaptable and quick-thinking.
A leader who is compassionate and fair.
A leader who inspires through their actions.