Which League of Legends Champion Are You?


Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 8/4/2024



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Curious to know which League of Legends champion matches your gameplay style and personality? Answer these questions to find out!

Curious to know which League of Legends champion matches your gameplay style and personality? Answer these questions to find out!

1. What role do you prefer to play in League of Legends?

Marksman - Bot Lane
Support - Bot Lane
Mage/Assassin - Mid Lane
Fighter/Tank - Top Lane

2. What type of abilities do you enjoy using the most?

Crowd control and area denial
High mobility and outplay potential
Heavy burst damage and assassination
Ranged spells that poke and control

3. How do you approach team fights?

I prefer to stay back and deal damage from a safe distance.
I jump in and try to take down the priority targets quickly.
I initiate fights and absorb damage for my team.
I focus on protecting my allies and controlling the battlefield.

4. What personality traits in and out of the game best describe you?

Brave and protective
Chaotic and unpredictable
Calm and disciplined
Charming and strategic

5. What's your ideal gameplay scenario?

Supporting my teammates and providing utility.
Roaming and making plays across the map.
Holding down my lane and grinding the enemy down.
Setting traps and controlling the battlefield.

6. How do you react to being outnumbered in a skirmish?

I use my abilities to create space and delay the enemy.
I fight to the end, hoping my team arrives in time.
I rely on my mobility to escape and regroup.
I try to turn the fight by surprising my enemies.

7. Which of the following values resonates with you the most?

Chaos and unpredictability
Strategic cunning and foresight
Justice and honor
Freedom and adventure

8. How do you prefer to achieve victory in a match?

Lay traps and capitalize on enemy mistakes.
Support my team effectively to victory.
Outfight and overpower the opponents.
Outsmart and outmaneuver the opponents.

9. How do you handle high-pressure situations?

Stay calm and find a strategic solution.
Take charge and lead my team.
Create chaos to disrupt the enemy.
Use my mobility to adapt quickly.

10. What motivates you the most when playing?

Supporting and uplifting my team.
Outsmarting and outplaying my opponents.
Dominating and instilling fear in my enemies.
Achieving personal glory and accolades.

11. Which phrase best describes your playstyle?

Protective and supportive
Aggressive and dominating
Unpredictable and volatile
Calculated and deceptive

12. How do you prefer to deal with obstacles?

Face head-on with brute force.
Adapt and outmaneuver.
Tactically analyze and overcome.
Rely on allies for support.

13. What's your preference for in-game objectives?

Maintaining map control and vision.
Securing kills and snowballing the game.
Defending and pushing objectives.
Creating and seizing opportunities for my team.