Which League of Legends Champion Are You?


Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 8/5/2024



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Ever wondered which League of Legends champion best matches your gaming style and personality? Take this quiz to find out which champion you resonate with the most!

Ever wondered which League of Legends champion best matches your gaming style and personality? Take this quiz to find out which champion you resonate with the most!

1. Which role do you prefer to play in League of Legends?

I prefer supporting my team, providing buffs and healing as needed
I love controlling the flow of the battle with strategic magic abilities
I enjoy sneaking up on enemies and catching them off guard
I love being in the thick of the fight, dealing high damage and taking hits for my team

2. How do you handle high-pressure situations during a game?

I take a step back and look for opportunities to turn the tide
I rely on my mechanical skills to outplay my opponents
I stay calm and focus on making strategic plays
I prefer diving in and letting my instincts guide me

3. What's your preferred strategy for winning a game?

Outscale and overpower the enemy with superior magical prowess
Work closely with my teammates to take objectives and win as a team
Pick off key enemies and weaken the opposition through strategic plays
Aggressively push lanes and seek to dominate through sheer force

4. How do you approach teamwork in League of Legends?

I play a supportive role, making sure my team stays safe and strong
I work behind the scenes, setting up plays for my team to capitalize on
I focus on excelling individually and trust my team to do their parts
I coordinate closely with my team to plan every move together

5. What do you value most in a champion's abilities?

Unique and strategic abilities that allow for creative plays
High damage potential and the ability to outplay opponents
Mobility and crowd control to disrupt and maneuver around the battlefield
Strong defensive abilities to protect myself and my team

6. How do you react when your team is falling behind?

I try to turn the tide with bold and aggressive moves
I focus on protecting key allies and preventing further losses
I rally my team and focus on making a comeback through strategic plays
I look for weaknesses in the enemy to exploit for a critical advantage

7. What type of personality traits do you resonate with the most?

Adaptive and cunning, able to adjust to any situation
Wise and strategic, always thinking several steps ahead
Courageous and protective, always looking out for others
Bold and confident, never afraid to take risks

8. How do you like to start a fight in-game?

Control the battlefield with strategic spells and abilities
Stay back and support my team from a safe distance
Charge in headfirst and take the brunt of the damage
Catch enemies off guard with a surprise attack

9. What motivates you the most in a game?

Working together with my team to achieve victory
The thrill of the fight and the opportunity to showcase my skills
Outsmarting and outplaying my opponents strategically
Protecting my team and ensuring their success

10. When building your champion, what's your top priority?

Enhancing my magical powers to dominate fights with spells
Maximizing damage output to take down enemies quickly
Building defensively to withstand enemy attacks
Focusing on mobility and flexibility in combat

11. What's your favorite part about playing League of Legends?

The coordination and camaraderie with my teammates
The intense and thrilling team fights
The strategic depth and outsmarting opponents in tactical plays
The opportunity to showcase my individual skills

12. How do you prefer to deal with enemy carries in the game?

Disrupt their positioning and protect my carries
Duel them head-on with my superior skills
Focus them down with high burst damage
Outmaneuver them and use crowd control effectively

13. What do you consider your biggest strength as a player?

My mechanical skills and precision in fights
My ability to adapt and respond to different situations
My ability to stay calm and make smart decisions
My unwavering courage and willingness to lead

14. What's your approach to laning phase?

I focus on farming and waiting for the right moment to strike
I play aggressively to establish dominance early
I look for opportunities to roam and support my team
I entrench myself and outlast my opponent