Which Assassin Champion Matches Your Playstyle?


Created 6/28/2024



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Discover which Assassin Champion in League of Legends best matches your unique playstyle with this fun and interactive quiz! Uncover your true gaming identity and dominate the battlefield.

Discover which Assassin Champion in League of Legends best matches your unique playstyle with this fun and interactive quiz! Uncover your true gaming identity and dominate the battlefield.

1. What's your approach when going into a fight?

In and out quickly, focusing on one target.
Survive the initial engagement and wear down opponents.
Bait enemies and utilize stealth.
Jump in with crowd control and disrupt.

2. What do you enjoy most about playing an assassin?

High burst damage to eliminate key targets.
Outmaneuvering opponents with mobility.
Using stealth to surprise enemies.
Snowballing and carrying the game.

3. Which lane do you prefer to play in?

Roaming from Support

4. How do you handle being focused in teamfights?

Rely on my mobility to escape.
Use defensive abilities to survive.
Avoid teamfights and pick off isolated targets.
Disrupt and disable the enemy first.

5. What's your strategy when your champion is behind?

Find isolated targets to catch up.
Switch to a split-pushing strategy.
Focus on assisting the team and getting assists.
Play safe and farm until I’m strong again.

6. What type of abilities do you enjoy using the most?

High-damage skills with short cooldowns.
Abilities that provide stealth or invisibility.
Crowd control abilities.
Skills that enhance my survivability.

7. Which defensive condition do you find most challenging to deal with?

Crowd control
Tanks and high-resistance enemies
Peeling supports or items like Hourglass
Being engaged upon first in fights

8. When playing an assassin, what's your favorite playstyle?

Sneaky ambushes from the fog of war.
Darting in and out of fights quickly.
Using terrain to my advantage.
Dividing and conquering enemy lines.

9. What kind of mobility do you prefer?

Dashes and leaps.
Blink/teleport abilities.
Invisibility and stealth.
Enhanced movement speed and gap closers.

10. Which aspect of teamfights do you excel at?

Executing priority targets instantly.
Creating chaos and confusion.
Disengaging and re-engaging.
Providing sustained pressure and damage.