Which League of Legends Champion Should You Main?


kylie genner
Idyllic Icon

kylie genner

Created 6/25/2024



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Discover your perfect League of Legends champion to main based on your playstyle and preferences!

Discover your perfect League of Legends champion to main based on your playstyle and preferences!

1. What is your preferred playstyle in League of Legends?

Aggressive and in-your-face
Calculative and strategic
Supportive and protective
Adaptable to any situation

2. How do you handle high-pressure situations in games?

Stay calm and think it through
Take risks and go for big plays
Support your team and keep them motivated
Adapt quickly and adjust your strategy

3. Which role do you enjoy the most?


4. What do you consider your strongest skill in League of Legends?

Mechanics and micro-management
Strategic planning and macro-management
Team coordination and communication
Versatility and adaptability

5. How do you prefer to win games?

Dominating your lane opponent
Making game-changing plays in team fights
Providing crucial support to your teammates
Outsmarting the enemy with tactics

6. What kind of champions do you enjoy playing?

High burst damage
Tanky and resilient
Mobile and elusive
Utility and crowd control

7. How much do you enjoy playing champions with complex mechanics?

Love it, the more complex the better
I prefer a balance between complexity and simplicity
Simple and straightforward champions for me
Depends on the mood and situation

8. What kind of challenges do you enjoy in-game?

Outplaying my opponent in duels
Winning clutch team fights
Peeling and protecting my carries
Capitalizing on enemy mistakes

9. What's your stance on high-risk, high-reward plays?

I live for them!
I prefer calculated risks
Only if it's necessary for the win
I avoid them and play it safe

10. Which characteristic do you value most in a champion?

High damage output
Strong defenses and sustain
Utility and support capabilities
Flexibility and mobility