Which League of Legends Role Should You Main?


Created 6/25/2024



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Find out which League of Legends role suits you best with this fun quiz! Answer a few questions and discover your perfect role to main in the game.

Find out which League of Legends role suits you best with this fun quiz! Answer a few questions and discover your perfect role to main in the game.

1. What type of gameplay do you enjoy the most?

Strategic planning and controlling the pace of the game
Constantly roaming and influencing different parts of the map
Engaging in one-vs-one duels and split-pushing
Protecting and supporting your allies

2. How do you prefer to deal damage?

From a safe distance with powerful ranged attacks
Up close and personal with melee attacks
Using abilities with high burst damage
Providing crowd control and utility over raw damage

3. What do you value more in a champion?

High survivability and tankiness
Mobility and ability to surprise enemies
Consistent damage and scaling into late game
Utility and ability to support teammates

4. What frustrates you the most during a game?

Losing control of objectives like Dragon or Baron
Being unable to help teammates across the map
Getting counter-picked and losing lane
Seeing your teammates not follow your lead or strategy

5. When things go wrong in a game, what’s your approach?

Try to scale and become stronger for late game
Roam and help other lanes snowball
Focus on controlling and protecting key objectives
Keep supporting and enabling your carries

6. What type of environment do you prefer in your lane?

Being isolated and self-sufficient
Having the flexibility to roam frequently
Having consistent teamwork with another player
Staying in the center and influencing multiple areas

7. What’s your preferred role in a teamfight?

Initiating fights and absorbing damage
Flanking and targeting priority enemies
Consistently dealing damage from a safe distance
Providing healing, shields, and crowd control

8. How do you handle pressure during a game?

Remain calm and focus on farming efficiently
Look for opportunities to outplay and gank enemies
Coordinate with your team for objective control
Prioritize keeping your teammates alive and well-protected

9. Which aspect of the game do you find the most exciting?

Winning duels and dominating your lane
Making impactful roams and ganks
Executing perfect teamfights and strategies
Providing game-changing support and utility

10. What’s your learning style for improving in the game?

Experimenting with different champions and builds
Studying professional plays and adapting strategies
Focusing on specific mechanics and honing them
Learning to support and synergize with different roles