Which TSM Player Are You?


Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 8/5/2024



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Ever wondered which TSM player matches your gaming personality? This quiz will determine which TSM player you most resemble based on your gaming style, strategy preferences, and in-game roles. Discover your TSM counterpart now!

Ever wondered which TSM player matches your gaming personality? This quiz will determine which TSM player you most resemble based on your gaming style, strategy preferences, and in-game roles. Discover your TSM counterpart now!

1. What is your preferred in-game role?

AD Carry (Bot Lane)
Top Lane
Mid Lane

2. How do you approach combat in game?

I play more defensively, waiting for the right opportunities.
I adapt my playstyle based on the situation.
I prefer aggressive, high-risk plays.
I focus on safe, consistent strategies.

3. How do you handle pressure during a game?

I tend to thrive and takeover during stressful moments.
I rely on my team for support and direction.
I stay calm and make calculated moves.
I might struggle but try to refocus quickly.

4. When your team is behind, what's your primary focus?

I provide vision and support, helping my team regroup.
I try to farm safely and avoid unnecessary fights.
I encourage my team to go for high-risk, high-reward plays.
I focus on finding picks and objective control.

5. What's your preferred way to coordinate with your team?

Minimal communication, relying on mutual understanding.
Spontaneous calls and quick responses.
Frequent communication and planning.
Balanced coordination with periodic check-ins.

6. Which type of champions do you enjoy playing the most?

High-mobility assassins.
Tanks and bruisers.
Support champions with crowd control.
Carries with high damage output.

7. Which in-game objective do you prioritize the most?

Securing dragons and baron.
Focusing on team fights and skirmishes.
Establishing vision and control over the map.
Taking down turrets and inhibitors.

8. How do you handle being targeted by the enemy team?

I use the opportunity to lure them into traps.
I play defensively and wait for my team to help.
I try to outplay and escape.
I reposition to a safer spot.

9. What is your approach to laning phase?

Supporting my lane partner and warding.
Trading blows and looking for kills.
Safe and focused on farming.
Aggressive and dominating.

10. Which of these qualities do you value most in a team?

Innovation and quick adaptation.
Consistency and reliability.
Strategic depth and planning.
Aggression and assertiveness.

11. How do you contribute to team fights?

Initiating and creating opportunities for my team.
Tanking and absorbing damage for the team.
Dealing damage and taking down priority targets.
Providing support and utilities to my teammates.

12. What's your reaction when your team loses a game?

Move on quickly without dwelling on it.
Stay positive and motivate the team.
Analyze mistakes and look to improve.
Reflect on how to adapt in future games.

13. What motivates you to become better?

To outsmart and outperform my opponents.
To support my team and contribute to our success.
To continuously improve and refine my skills.
Desire to be the best and win championships.