Which League of Legends Champion Matches Your Personality?

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Created 6/30/2024



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Take this quiz to find out which League of Legends champion perfectly reflects your personality! Whether you're an adventurous warrior or a cunning mage, there's a champion out there just waiting to match with you.

Take this quiz to find out which League of Legends champion perfectly reflects your personality! Whether you're an adventurous warrior or a cunning mage, there's a champion out there just waiting to match with you.

1. What do you enjoy most about playing League of Legends?

Making big plays and carrying the team
Supporting and enabling my team
Strategizing and outsmarting my opponents
Being a rock-solid protector

2. How do you typically handle a stressful situation in-game?

Stay calm and strategize
Take control and lead the team
Focus on my own performance
Support my teammates and keep them motivated

3. Which of these best describes your playstyle?

Aggressive and in-your-face
Defensive and supportive
Strategic and calculated
Versatile and adaptable

4. How do you prefer to secure a win?

Dominating my lane and snowballing
Protecting my teammates and enabling them
Outmaneuvering and outsmarting the enemy
Maintaining steady and consistent performance

5. How do you prefer to engage in team fights?

Diving into the backline and taking out key targets
Peeling and protecting my carries
Using crowd control to disrupt the enemy team
Dealing consistent damage from a safe distance

6. How do you communicate with your team during a match?

Giving clear and decisive calls
Constantly providing information and support
Only when absolutely necessary
Coordinating strategies and objectives collaboratively

7. What's your preferred way to start a match?

Looking for early kills and aggression
Farming and scaling into late game
Setting up vision and map control
Protecting and enabling my carry

8. When your team is behind, what do you do?

Look for picks to turn the tide
Keep morale high and look for opportunities
Focus on playing safe and farming
Coordinate strategies and objectives

9. What's most important to you in a team composition?

Having strong carries
Having a solid frontline
Good vision and map control
Balance and adaptability

10. How do you react when your team isn't performing well?

Try to carry the game myself
Support them and keep trying
Focus on my own tasks
Look for ways to turn the game around strategically

11. What's your attitude towards risk in the game?

I thrive on taking risks for big rewards
I take calculated risks only when necessary
I prefer to play it safe and avoid unnecessary risks
I observe and adapt based on the situation

12. How do you feel about playing around objectives (dragons, barons etc.)?

I love securing and stealing objectives
I focus on helping my team prepare for objectives
I plan strategies around objectives
I protect my team while they deal with objectives