Which Survivor Contestant Are You?


Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/24/2024



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Discover which iconic Survivor contestant matches your gameplay style by answering questions about your survival tactics, social game, and strategic moves. Dive deep into the legendary moments and strategies from the show!

Discover which iconic Survivor contestant matches your gameplay style by answering questions about your survival tactics, social game, and strategic moves. Dive deep into the legendary moments and strategies from the show!

1. How would you prioritize tasks in a survival scenario?

Balance resource gathering with strategic discussions and long-term planning.
Scout for hidden immunity idols while ensuring basic needs are met.
Form alliances and build social bonds while taking care of essential tasks.
Focus on building a strong shelter and gathering resources first.

2. What would your approach be to forming alliances?

Use charm and wit to build alliances with nearly everyone.
Form a strong alliance with a few key players.
Keep multiple loose alliances to ensure flexibility.
Focus on a core alliance but be open to new connections.

3. How do you handle conflict within your tribe?

Confront and dominate the situation to assert control.
Mediate and seek to calm the situation with diplomacy.
Avoid conflict and stay under the radar.
Strategically use conflict to benefit your game.

4. Which strategy would you employ to find hidden immunity idols?

Stay aware but not overly focused on idols.
Search consistently and aggressively in likely spots.
Use social leverage to get information on idols.
Seek out clues and combine efforts with allies.

5. In a reward challenge, what would be your main focus?

Use the challenge to build alliances and show loyalty.
Focus on personal rewards that help your game long-term.
Win challenges to showcase physical prowess.
Win rewards that benefit the tribe's overall morale and bonding.

6. How do you decide who to vote off during Tribal Council?

Target those who might betray your alliance.
Vote off strategically influential players.
Eliminate those with weak social bonds.
Eliminate the biggest physical threats.

7. What are your thoughts on making big moves versus staying under the radar?

Stay under the radar to avoid being a target.
Balance big moves with strategic subtlety.
Adapt depending on the situation.
Make big moves to control the game.

8. How would you gain trust from other tribe members?

Demonstrating loyalty through actions in challenges and camp life.
Forming close personal bonds and being charismatic.
Honesty and keeping promises.
Using strategic positioning and shared interests.

9. In a merge situation, how would you adapt your strategy?

Make bold moves to shift power in my favor.
Stick with my original alliance and stay loyal.
Fly under the radar and avoid becoming a threat.
Form new bonds and adapt to the new majority.

10. Which past Survivor strategy do you admire the most?

Kim Spradlin's balanced and well-rounded approach.
Sandra Diaz-Twine's 'anyone but me' strategy.
Tony Vlachos' unpredictable and aggressive moves.
Boston Rob's dominance in controlling the game.

11. How important is physical strength to your game?

Extremely important, as it helps win challenges and gain respect.
Not very important, as social and strategic gameplay matter more.
Essential, focusing on endurance and resilience.
Moderately important, as it can aid in challenges but not define my game.

12. What would you do to keep morale high in your tribe?

Focus on securing food and shelter to keep spirits up.
Entertain and create fun activities for the tribe.
Maintain open and honest communication with everyone.
Encourage and support tribe members through positive reinforcement.