Which Survivor.io Survivor Are You?


Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 8/6/2024



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Ever wondered which Survivor.io survivor best matches your playstyle and strategy? Take this quiz to find out which survivor you embody in the game, and learn about their unique abilities!

Ever wondered which Survivor.io survivor best matches your playstyle and strategy? Take this quiz to find out which survivor you embody in the game, and learn about their unique abilities!

1. How do you prefer to approach combat situations in Survivor.io?

Utilize advanced technology and gadgets to gain an upper hand.
Carefully plan and use your environment to your advantage.
Charge in headfirst and overwhelm the enemies with brute force.
Strike swiftly and disappear before the enemies know what hit them.

2. What type of weapon do you prefer in Survivor.io?

Heavy-hitting melee weapons.
Long-range weapons or projectiles.
Magical or elemental weapons.
Tech-enhanced or gadget-based weapons.

3. What's your strategy when facing in-game challenges?

Use aggression to break through obstacles.
Analyze and adapt, using all available resources.
Outmaneuver and outsmart the challenges.
Rely on defensive tactics and endurance.

4. What's your preferred game mode in Survivor.io?

Team mode to leverage collaboration.
Survival mode to focus on enduring through waves.
Solo mode for full control over strategy.
Challenge mode for intense and diverse gameplay.

5. What’s your reaction to unexpected encounters?

Observe and then plan a counter-attack.
Set up defenses and prepare for a drawn-out battle.
Engage immediately with full force.
Avoid confrontation and find an alternative route.

6. What kind of upgrades do you prioritize?

Speed and agility upgrades for better mobility.
Damage and attack upgrades to increase offensive power.
Defense and health upgrades to enhance survivability.
Utility upgrades for improved abilities and versatility.

7. How do you handle team dynamics during cooperative play?

Handle specialized roles and tasks.
Maintain independence but assist when needed.
Take charge and lead the team.
Support and heal teammates.

8. What is your favorite type of map in Survivor.io?

Open fields for unrestricted combat.
Mountainous terrains for strategic positioning.
Dense forests with lots of cover.
Urban environments with tactical advantages.

9. What’s your reaction time under pressure?

Calm and calculated, taking time to assess the situation.
I rely on well-planned strategies to reduce pressure.
Quick and decisive, I thrive under pressure.
I fortify my position to withstand immediate threats.

10. How do you prioritize your actions in the game?

Maximizing damage output to eliminate threats quickly.
Supporting teammates and enhancing their abilities.
Innovative strategies and using unique abilities to outsmart enemies.
Ensuring survival with a focus on defense and health.

11. What’s your favorite aspect of Survivor.io combat?

The thrill of direct, intense battles.
Using the environment to trap and control enemies.
The strategic planning and execution.
The subtle, stealthy takedowns.

12. How do you respond to difficult boss fights?

Employ gadgets and special abilities to turn the tide.
Focus on evasion and striking when opportunities arise.
Set up defenses and wear down the boss over time.
Use high-damage abilities and end it quickly.

13. What’s your preferred way to handle large groups of enemies?

Create traps and use the environment to control their movements.
Engage them head-on with powerful melee attacks.
Use area-of-effect attacks to hit multiple enemies at once.
Distract and pick them off one by one.